VII. Almost Gone

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Chapter 7: Almost Gone

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An Original Short Story By


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 ~Jamie's POV~

Was I going home? Will I see Adrian? My mum? After today, I shouldn't even think about Adrian. The news'll spread. I mean, the whole cheer leading team asked me out. I said no every time because of obvious reasons. I was ready for him to hate me. To tell me how unnatural I am. That I'm not human. It's happened before. In my other schools, I had friends. But, once they found out, they loathed me. Why was it so damn hard to be accepted? I thought about this as I stood in line with everyone in the main room.The men were back. The sight of them made me cringe internally and tremble. Thanks to them I was forever and completely mortified of gas-masks.

The man in the middle of the seven men stepped forward. I was in the middle of our frightened little line. He looked at me directly. 

"Have you figured anything out?" His voice rasped from behind the black mask. Swallowing nervously, I answered less confident than the last time.

"W-Well. Ryan, um, he died his hair after he ran away from home. Ryan killed his father one night because he beat his mother. After that, he ran.

Zach's parents were military. He was taught to pick on the weaker to make them stronger. 

Leon was talking with a friend when his brother got hit by the car instead of watching him

Jasmine purposely became... whoreish... to get the attention of people who picked on her for being smart when she could have been smart and pretty.

Kate's mom crashed the car after Kate was screaming and yelling about a toy. 

And I...." I stopped. How was I supposed to say this? My knees turned to wet noodles. Sweat ran down my neck. "My dad left my mum and I because... I'm... I'm g-gay." I closed my eyes and hid my face behind my hands. There was a few low gasps. One from Jasmine and the other from Leon. There was a whispered and confused "what". With caution, I looked up. Kate didn't look any different than before, Jasmine and Leon's mouths were agape. Zach apparently was the one who whispered "what". Ryan just shrugged his shoulders and smiled at me encouragingly. Honestly, I expected Zach to laugh and hit me or something. I expected more, maybe. A huge weight was fork lifted off of my chest. I looked at the floor.

"Congratulations, Jamie. You've come out and doesn't it feel good?" I nodded slightly. "But sadly, your stories aren't quite ready. There is still much more left to your stories. Or, at least a few of them. Sorry." Damn it! Now I was madder than I thought possible. And terrified. 

"What?! No!" Zach yelled and I was pretty much in the same boat as him. The men stepped forward with the gas masks that we wore last time. Eye windows blackened with paint. I was done with this. The man who got close to me to force it on me was knocked away by me pushing him. He stumbled for a second, but was back at me. Zach was fighting against the one who had him. They had to have two other of them. They forced the mask over his face. He stopped after a few more seconds of fighting. It was almost as if the mask let him know who was in power here. 

Somehow they got the masks on us. After, we were taken to the basement with the swinging doors and strapped the the cushions. The masks were removed. Something was different when I saw my surroundings. It was the same sleazy room as before, Purgatory, but the machine wasn't there. A bowl of clear liquid sat in a bowl with a folded washcloth it on a table top. Next to that, a semi-large dagger. What was happening now? 

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