Chapter 24: The Grand Hype Before A Pep Rally

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I dodged one of Talia's punches. "So, I got this armor-thingy from him, and now...I don't know what to say, or do for that matter."

Talia wound up her fist and hit me across the face. Hard. I fell onto the ground, rubbing my now injured jaw. Pain was shooting through my nerves like nobody's business.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you!" Talia exclaimed. "Look, you have one day left before the traitor comes to kill you. That's tomorrow, on the night of the Eternal Ball. Just prepare yourself for anything that comes your way. Why don't you relax today? It's the pep rally, at least try to look like it's not affecting you. If the student body sees that you're scared, then what are they going to look up to?" Talia extended her hand to help me up.

I took her hand and lifted myself into a standing position. "Like you said, I only have one day left. How can I relax? I'm constantly fearing for my life, and I receive death threats on pieces of notebook paper that end up in my backpack that can't be traced to anyone specific!" I ranted.

Talia placed a hand on her hip. "For that, you just earned ten laps around the wrestling room."

I groaned. "I hate Russians."

"Hey, I know you don't like me, but that gives you no right to rip on my country." Talia snapped.

"You were born in Sciana!" I pointed out. "You're not a native Russian anyways!"

"That just earned you twenty laps around the wrestling room."

I looked at her in disbelief. "Really?"

She crossed her arms and gave me a look of challenge with her steely grey eyes. "You want me to double it to forty?"

I bit my lip to silence the retort that was on the tip of my tongue and started to jog around the perimeter of the room. Luckily, the area wasn't too large, so it wasn't extremely strenuous.

"Well, since this session is almost done, why don't I take you to see your dress after your done with the next thirteen—sorry, twelve—laps?" Talia asked, leaning casually against the wall.

I whipped my head in Talia's direction as I rounded the corner. "You mean that Madoc's already done with it?"

"Yep." Talia answered, looking at her nails. "Apparently Hazu was able to gather all the extra accessories and such. He texted me about two hours ago that he had finished my dress as well, so I may just take you with when I go to pick mine up anyways."

I finished my laps around the room with a newfound determination. I was like a dog chasing after a squirrel: I had to get my prize. I needed to see that dress. I sprinted around the room as fast as I could, completely ignoring the fact that my lungs must have been screaming for air at this point. Ah, the wonders of a determined fifteen year old. Before I knew it, I was done, and barely breaking a sweat.

"If that was all it took to put some effort into your workout routine, I should have done this a long time ago." Talia muttered.

"No time! I want to see my dress!" I said, rushing into the locker room and getting changed as quickly as I possibly could. There was no time to waste. I wanted to see that dress. I needed to see that dress. I rushed out of the locker room once I had gotten dressed into normal, everyday clothes, greeted by a dazed Talia.

"That's the fastest that I've ever seen you move!" She exclaimed.

"Hurry up!" I yelled at her. "I want to see my dress!"

"I understand that." Talia snapped. She walked over to the corner of the wrestling room and quickly pulled a shirt from her gym bag over herself. "Now, let's get going before I change my mind."

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