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When the time finally came around for us to go to the pep rally, there was a knock on our door. Just as I had been told, there was Talia with Jian and Madoc. The five of us greeted each other and exchanged few words. That is, until Madoc decided to speak up as we walked down the hallway.

"Okay, since this is the pink elephant in the room with rainbow colored stripes and white polka-dots who everyone wants to know about, but is too afraid to ask, I'm going to acknowledge its existence. Scarlett, what is going on with you and Luc?"

Talia nodded. "For once, I don't want to strangle you for asking something stupid. I was quite curious about that myself."

"Yeah." Came Jian. "Spill."

I blushed. "Is it really that obvious?"

"Sort of." Jian said. "You know, especially considering that, I don't know, Luc talks about you 24/7."

"Come on, you have to tell me!" Madoc begged. "It's my new OTP! Luclett!"
I cocked my head in confusion. "OTP?"

Madoc spread his hands and narrowed his eyes. "One true pairing!" Madoc yelled, without warning. "Do you spend any time on Tumblr?"

"What's Tumblr?" I asked.

Madoc gasped and looked at me as if I were some sort of savage. "Oh, you poor child."

"Just because you spend a good 80% of your time on Tumblr doesn't mean everybody else needs to." Talia snapped.

"Well, she should at least know the great name of our lord and savior, Tumblr!" Madoc argued. "Anywho, we're getting off track here. Scarlett, you didn't answer my question!"

I giggled and held out my hand. "Well..."
A collective gasp came from all of my friends.

"You two are mates?" Jian asked.

Hazu seemed to be a little upset, but I knew that it was Kage trying to take over. She gave a big smile. "That's great, Scarlett."

"I called it." Talia said, crossing her arms.

"I had better be the best man at your wedding." Madoc said. "I can picture it now! We'll go with a carnival theme, and there will be balloons and games and stuffed animals for prizes know what? Why don't you let me just plan your whole wedding! It's gonna be the most fabulous thing that you have eyeballs have ever had the absolute pleasure of seeing!"

I chuckled. "Thank you for that extremely generous offer, Madoc, but that will be years down the road. I'm fifteen! I don't need to be worrying about that stuff yet."

"Can you at least just do me one little favor and stitch his last name onto yours and say it like you're fangirling over him?" Madoc asked. "And before you even think about saying no, I won't shut up about it until you do."

I sighed. "Fine." I coughed and prepared to talk in the most girly and annoying voice I could muster. "Someday, I, Scarlett Kaida, will be Mrs. Scarlett D'Ange! There. Are you happy now, Madoc?"

Madoc grinned like a cheshire cat. "Yay."

I sighed. "Why do I hang out with you people again?"

"Hey," Jian said. "I'd like to think that I'm okay, and Hazu is pretty okay, too, but it's Madoc and Talia that you need to watch out for."

"Excuse me?" The two Scale Children asked in unison.

"Okay, that was freaky." Jian commented.

We all laughed for a little bit before walking outside. I was thankful for the t-shirt I was wearing, because it was really hot outside. It wasn't unbearable, in fact, it felt quite invigorating. I watched as the students of Eternal Academy all started walking towards a football field in the middle of the courtyard. Man, this school was huge! How many other things were here on campus that I didn't know about?

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