Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Three

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The train’s brakes squealed noisily as it rolled into the station. Rebecca opened her eyes, stretching awkwardly. After warning Draco about Harry, she had wandered down to the very end of the train carriages, where she’d managed to find an empty compartment  and fall asleep the rest of the journey

But as she looked around now, she realised she wasn’t alone.

 “What’s your name?”

Rebecca yawned, sitting up from the seat she’d been lying on. The owner of the voice who’d questioned her was the same girl who had been in the Slytherin carriage, the same girl who’s lap Draco had lent his head in. She was round faced, and had a poker straight short black bob.

 “I said, what’s your name?” she snapped, intolerantly tapping her fingers.

“What a lovely sight to wake up to,” Rebecca muttered sarcastically. “I’m Rebecca Rosewood.”

The girl narrowed her eyes. “Right, Rosewood. Let me lay something down for you. I don’t know why you handed Draco that stupid magazine, but I do know that if you ever go that close to Draco again, I, Pansy Parkinson, will make sure you’re spewing slugs out of your mouth for the rest of your life.”

“Oh, I’m awfully sorry, I didn’t realise that Draco belonged to you. I promise I’ll be a good girl and never even look at your precious boy ever again,” Rebecca retorted, her voice full of sarcasm.

Pansy scowled and sat back in her seat. “If you think that a boy like him...” Rebecca wasn’t sure if was her imagination, but it seemed as though Pansy swooned slightly, “...would want a girl like you, then you’re wrong!”

But Rebecca just laughed, furthering Pansy’s anger. “A girl like me! What’s that supposed to mean, eh?”

“Just face it, you’re down right ugly. Your curly hair looks a mess, your nose is too long and those stupid pouty lips of yours make you look stupid!”

“And you know what a good-looking girl look’s like then?” Rebecca mused. She was enjoying this; who knew that she’d make an enemy before she even got to the school!

“Of course I do, I’m stunningly pretty. The boys in my house practically fall at my feet,” Pansy said proudly.

“Well if that’s what you think...” Rebecca replied, crossing one leg over the other. “I saw a Persian cat the other day, y’know, the ones that look like they’ve ran into a bus. I could of sworn it was your twin.”

Pansy opened her mouth to respond, but evidently couldn’t think of anything to say. Instead she stood up stroppily and stormed out of the carriage, slamming the doors behind her.

Rebecca ran a hand through her hair and got up, following Pansy out of the train. She stepped down onto the train station platform, the cool fresh evening air greeting her skin. Everything about this new place was beautifully serene, with trees surrounding the area and giant hills sloping off into the night time sky. As Rebecca looked down towards the school, marvelling at its old but stunning architecture, something caught the corner of her eye.

She whirled round, her hand instinctivley grabbing her wand, but was puzzled to see there was nothing there. Shrugging it off as simple paranoia from her introduction to Pansy Parkinson, Rebecca went back to looking at the landscape.

Suddenly something grabbed her shoulder, and before she could shout out to the people around her she was being pulled quickly into a nearby gathering of trees, out of sight of the other students. The forest smelt of strongly of pine and leaves, the towering green trees blocking the light of the moon. Rebecca looked up at the person who had brought her here – a tall dark man with ghostly pale skin and black eyes. She instantly knew who he was, thanks to Bellatrix, from his appearance.

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now