Let's Kill Tonight ~ Chapter Sixteen

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The door at the end of the hallway was ever so slightly ajar, giving a limited glimpse of the room behind it. Rebecca held back, wondering what in heavens name she was doing. It was one of the last rooms on Earth she ever thought she’d be about to step into, and yet here she was, standing in the doorway like a loon.

Cautiously shuffling forwards she nudged the door gently, creating a gap big enough for her to be able to see the whole room. Draco was at a desk, his head down as he read what looked like a letter. On the floor was an envelope that had carelessly been torn open and thrown to one side.

Rebecca stepped silently into the room, her feet grateful for the soft, warm green carpet underfoot. She wondered what to do. Should she cough? She should announce herself? Her heat began to beat faster and she froze like a deer in the headlights, regretting even getting out bed. Turning back to the door so that she could sneak out before Draco even noticed she was behind him, Rebecca heard a familiar sounding screech.

In the corner of the room, on a windowsill, sat Ludwig. He had been shut in Draco’s own owls cage, and appeared to dislike the haughty looking eagle owl that was in there with him. A scowl plastered itself on Rebecca’s face as she marched over to the cage and began fiddling furiously with the catch on it, wanting to let her barn owl out.

“Rebecca?” Draco exclaimed, jumping out of his chair, looking terribly guilty.

“Why have you got my owl, Draco?” Rebecca asked, her voice resembling a growl, as she continued to try and undo the cage lock, her hands shaking in frustration.

Draco walked over to her. “I’ll do it,” he said, pulling the cage across the windowsill towards him. He undid the catch with ease, and Ludwig immediately flew out, exiting the room with a grumpy squawk.

The blonde boy went back and sat down at his desk. He put his head in his hands, looking seriously tired, his usually neat hair ruffled messily out of place. “I’m going to ask you this once, and I want you to answer me,” he addressed Rebecca authoritatively without actually looking at her, his handsome face expressing a dishearteningly grave expression. “Who’s Samantha?”

Rebecca suddenly felt extraordinarily cold and she shivered involuntarily. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she declared, her voice as icy as the frosty air outside. She started forwards, desperate to get out of the room and out of this conversation, which inevitably in her opinion, had taken a turn for the worst.

Draco stood up once again, this time to block her path to the door as she wildly tried to push past him. “Don’t lie to me, Rebecca. I’ve read this letter,” he waved the piece of paper he had in his hand, “and it’s to you, from someone called Samantha.”

“Why should I tell you?” Rebecca argued, stepping back submissively; Draco wasn’t going to budge. “You stole my bloody owl!”

“Yeah, and do you want to know why?” Draco hissed in aggravation. Rebecca was irritatingly stubborn. Why couldn’t she just answer him truthfully for once.

 “Please, enlighten me,” Rebecca replied in a mockingly sweet voice.

“Because I don’t trust you.”

The words dripped from Draco’s mouth, wrapped in a heated poison. Rebecca’s vision blurred as she stared at Draco, fists clenched. No, she wasn’t going to cry. Not for him. Not for anyone. She took a shaky breath and spoke through gritted teeth. “She’s my little sister.”

The room was unnaturally quiet, so much so that you could have heard a pin drop. Draco blinked. Once. Twice. “Your little sister?” he echoed in disbelief. “You never told me you had a sister.”

Let's Kill Tonight ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now