3. Quiz round

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"Hey", I say, looking him in the eyes. His hair looks a little wet, I assume it's gel or something. But the gel lost the battle because his hair still falls perfectly in every direction. I smile at him, he smiles back.

"You look nice", he says this in a way that I know he actually means it. My heart smiles at the thought of that. The thought and feeling of Jacob thinking I looked nice. Wow, I'm in too deep.

"You don't look to bad yourself", I tease, trying to lighten the mood. He laughs.

"So Jacob" — I raise one eyebrow and smile before starting again —" I haven't seen you in a long time. Tell me what you've been up to. You already told me about your family and your hometown but tell me more about you", I say curiously.

"So demanding" , he says playfully."Well if you insist, but you have to tell me more about you after."


"Okay, well I transferred schools last year, so I now go to school at a junior high called 'Milertan'. I play soccer there, and I'm not trying to brag or anything but I'm pretty good. But you already knew that." I laugh at his attempt to be funny.

"Continue", I say in a playfull tone.

"Well I have been reading a lot lately. So when I'm not busy with soccer or school I like to read. I also play the guitar now." Of course he can play the guitar, because he is freaking perfect.

"That's really cool. Do you sing too", I ask.

He nods,"yeah."

"What kind of music do you like to sing?"

He takes a deep breath,"well, I have been working on a few of my own songs, but besides that I like country music."

I smile,"that's super cool!"

He tries to act like it's not a big deal but I can see his cheeks turn a slight shade of pink,"thanks."

"You're welcome. Okay, quiz round! Favorite ice cream", I say rather loudly.

"You haven't changed one bit, you know that?" He says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes,"just answer the question." It's true though, I haven't changed much. I'm a little taller and my hair is darker but that's about it.

"Okay, fine. Vanilla!" That's my favorite too. He laughs at my fun little game. I laugh because when a cute boy laughs, you kind of have to laugh too.

"Favorite movie?"

"Harry potter", he replies. Okay, well that hasn't changed.

"What do you look for in a girl?" Once it comes out of my mouth I regret it. I mentally slap myself. I do things like this a lot- speaking or doing something without thinking about the consequences-.

I expect him to have to think about the question or say something to get out of answering it. But he just sits there, smirking as if he knew this was coming. He answers this question just as quick as the other ones. "13 year old girls who have blond hair and still wear Mickey Mouse t-shirts."

I look down at my blue Mickey Mouse shirt and touch my long blond hair. That's me! He is talking about me?! My checks turn light red as I sit there smiling, still astonished that he basically just said he likes me.

"I'm going to be honest here, I get a lot of compliments when I where this shirt but that was by far the best", I say, laughing a bit.

"Really?" He asks, laughing.

"Really." He doesn't say anything but by the way he smiles I can tell he is feeling relieved to hear that he had answered the question correctly without embarrassing himself.

"Okay so tell me about you. How have you changed?"

"I'm complicated",I say not sure how to explain myself.

I love adventure! Some days I want to travel the world, climb the tallest mountain and feel alive and free. Some days I get sad. I sit in my room for hours crying for no reason. Some times that feeling is too much for me to deal with. I cope with this by reading and writing. It helps me escape, it helps me feel better. But how in the world do you fit all of that into one sentence for a teenage boy to understand. You don't . Before I can think about anything else Jacob slides his hand into mine.

"Well I'm patient. If you don't want to tell me how you feel and all of your deepest, darkest "—he exaggerates on those last two words. I just roll my eyes and smile.—"secrets  then that's okay.Tell me simple things like your favorite food or favorite book. Do you still hate bacon?"

I smile, he remembered?"yeah I do. It's not that I don't trust you it's just that....."

Before I can finish my sentence he cuts me off, " I understand. Really, more than you may think."

I nod,"okay, now you have to ask me questions though."

  We talk for another 30 minutes or so before miss Abby tells us to head back to our cabins.

It feels good to know more about Jacob. He's nice, cute, funny, and I might, might, might,like him. Like 0.0001%. Okay, maybe 0.0002%.

Okay yeah, Im pretty sure I like Jacob, but only a little bit.

Jacob walks me back down to my cabin, but before he leaves I ask him one more question,
"Jacob, what's your last name?"

"Scott. What's yours?" Jacob Scott, that has a nice ring to it.


He nods his head in aprovment."Well it was nice hanging out with you again Rowan."

"It was my pleasure", I say playfully.

"I was wondering if you maybe you want to go rock climbing with me tomorrow", he asks nervously.

Okay, I am decent at rock climbing. That could be fun, as long as I don't break any bones. "Sure!"

Right then Lexi comes out the front door,"what are you do...Oh um sorry, I'm just going to go back inside now. Sorry Rowan!"

I laugh ,"it's fine, I'll be there in a minute." And with that she leaves, going back inside the cabin. When I turn to look at Jacob he just chuckles.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then.What time?"It better not be too early because I am exhausted and need to sleep for a solid 8 hours.

"Does 11:00 work?"

11:00 is when we have free time, so basically I am free. "perfect, see you then."

He smiles back in response,"Okay, see ya."

"Good night Jacob."

"Good night Ro." I smile at the nick name he gave me. We separate, I walk to my cabin and he walks to his.

I turn around to get one last glance at him before I go inside, smiling to myself. My cheeks honestly hurt from smiling.

I open the door, and find Marlee and Lexi sitting there looking at me as if they demand answers. Then they both smile.

Marlee speaks first, sounding excited,"what's his name?"


And after the first question I know I have a billion more to answer, I'm not off the hook yet. Mackenzie looks mad as she stops off, with Molly not too far behind her.

"She's just jealous." Lexi speaks in a reassuring voice. And I know I shouldn't be nervous ,these are my friends. I trust them.

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