28. Hug me you weirdo

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Noise buzzes around me as I wait for my flight to board. I had decided to play candy crush on my phone, but I'm now bored. Again.

I decide to text Mackenzie and Molly,

'Hey! I'm about to board my plane, can't wait to see you later.'

They both reply, saying how excited they are to see me. I smile and send the same message to Jacob. Before I am able to read, much less receive his response, some lady comes on the loud speaker,"Gate 3A is now boarding. I repeat, the flight to Orlando,Florida is now boarding."

I grab my suitcase along with my back pack, and head towards the turmanel.

I hand the man outside of the plane my suite case, telling him thank you as he loads it onto the plane.

I walk up the ramp, stepping into the plane. I take my seat in one of the middle rows, choosing the window seat. After a few minutes An older lady sits next to me. I introduce myself and we talk for a solid 30 minutes.

I tell her about how I'm going to visit my boyfriend along with my friends, and she tells me that she is going out to Florida to see her nieces wedding.  I also learned that her name is Debby  and that she has 2 cats and a broken microwave. (She tells the most random stories)

After talking to nice old Debby I pull out my headphones, and plug them in. I close my eyes, hoping for some relaxation, but instead butterflies swarm in my stomach. I become very anxious and excited to see everyone. Soon the anxiety becomes too much, so I grab my book out of my bag, hoping a fantasy world will take my mind off of reality.

I begin to read song of the sparrow by Lisa Ann Sandwell and before you know it the plane screeches as it stops, landing roughly on the ground belonging to the airport in Florida.

I sit up in my seat and the flight attendant announces that we have arrived.

"Bye Debby, it was very nice to meet you", I tell the lady next to me.

"Bye darling, It was nice to meet you too. I am glad to see that there are such nice people like you in this world. Your boyfriend is a lucky man."

I smile,"thank you, that means a lot. Have fun at the wedding."

"I will dear, good bye."

I wave as Debby walks off the plane, straightening her hat.

The isle is jammed for a while but after a minute or so I am able to get off the plane.

I grab my blue suitcase and tighten the straps to my backpack. I take a deep breath and walk inside the air port, in search of Jacob.

I don't see him at first, but as I continue to look I see his bright blue eyes from a mile away. There, about fifteen feet in front of me is Jacob Scott.

I freeze, waiting for him to see me. Once his eyes lock with mine he runs toward me. My heart beats extremely loud, like a mad woman and I smile like a lunatic.

I walk forward and Jacob stops in front on me. He stars at me for a while, not saying anything."Hug me you weirdo," I say smiling.

He smiles, sliding his arms around my waist. I throw my arms over his shoulders, a happy tear falling from my eye. "I missed you so much Ro", he says, not letting go of me.

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