18. Well this is going to be interesting

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From the second I get in the car I try not to cry. But about two minutes in I feel hot tears roll down my cheeks.  Im not sobbing like earlier, just simply crying.

My mom's expression turns sorrowful and worried." What happened?!"

I tell her about Jacob and Lexi. She stops the car on the side of the road. She gets out so I do too. Once I step outside the wind blows in my face and my hair sticks to my wet cheeks. My mom pulls me in for a hug.

"It's going to be okay. If he hurt you this bad he doesn't deserve you. You can cry, but remember how strong you are. Be strong."

I definitely don't feel strong right now. But I nod my head anyways and get back in the car.

The rest of the ride home is quiet. I stare out of my window and think. I think about him and those stupid blue eyes of his. Him and his perfect voice that goes perfectly with the way he plays the guitar.

When we finally get home no one else is there. I grab my bag and storm off to my room. My mom knows to leave me alone, but I am positive that she will come in later once I calm down a bit.

My sadness and shock turns into hurt and anger. "Uhhh!" I flop onto my bed face first and land in my collection of pillows. Why me? Why him? Why her? Why at all? I stop, that phrase sounds familiar. Oh screw it, whatever! He said he loved me, so why did he kiss her? Because words are just words Rowan. Words are just stupid, stupid words.

But it felt so real. It was real,wasn't it? Well it obviously wasn't if he cheated on me. I kick my shoes off of my feet and they fall to the floor. I lay on my side and curl up into a ball, hugging my knees to my chest. I cry. A lot.

Crying really does make you tired so I'm not suppressed when I feel myself drifting off to sleep, tears still stinging my eyes.

When I wake up it's 1:00 pm. I had taken an hour long nap. I feel a bit better so I decide to call Zach. I would call Mason Taylor too but she is out of town.

I scroll through my contacts and find him. He answers on the fourth ring." Hello?"

"Hey Zach, um are you busy?"

"No but, Rowan, aren't you at camp", he asks me, his tone confused.

"Um no. I came home. I was wondering.." I sniffle a bit. Crud, he's going to know I was crying.

"Are you crying?" I don't answer.  He takes the hint and quickly replies,"I'll be right over."

Ten minutes later I hear his car pull into my driveway. I head down stairs to let him in and spot a note on the counter.

I went to work. Your father and I will be home at 9:00. We have a dinner party to go to. I'm sorry sweetie. We'll talk again later.

It's my moms handwriting. Really feeling the support family. I don't really mind though since Zach is here now.

Ring, ring! The sound of the doorbell echoes down the hall. I walk over to the door and open it, revealing Zach. His jeans are faded, just like his smile, and his shirt green, just like his eyes.

He takes one look at me and sighs."You look like crap." I manage to crack a smile and he pulls me in for hug. His muscular arms wrap around my weak body. A few more tears fall down my cheeks.

I pull away and look down. Only then do I notice the bag in his hand."What's that", I ask, pointing to the white plastic bag.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong", he asks, ignoring my question.

I shrug,"I guess." He gives me a look, telling me to continue. "Jacob cheated on me." His eyes widen. "With one of my best friends", I add.

"Marlee", he asks.I shake my head "Lexi?", he tries again.


His expression turns hard and he storms into the kitchen. I follow him. He drops the bag on the counter, and angrily runs his fingers through his hair.

"Are you okay", I ask him.

"No, I'm not okay. Jacob, he .. he just cheated on you?" I nod. "That asshole! Who does he think he is? What in the world would make him cheat on you? How stupid is this dude? How dare he! Where does he live..."

I put a hand on his shoulder,"calm down. It's going to be okay, I'm going to be okay", I tell him, trying to convince myself more than him.

He nods,"okay, I'm sorry. It's just as your...as your best friend I don't like to see you hurt. It kills me inside to know how sad you are."

I smile,"I know, thanks. But really, what's in the bag?"

Zach softly smiles,"ice cream.."

My eyes widen."I love ice cream."

He rolls his eyes,"I know weirdo that why I got it for you"

I squeal, reaching for the bag. I pull out the tub of chocolate ice cream. Oh my, this looks like heaven. The ice cream suddenly reminds me of that time the group and I stole ice cream from the cafeteria. A frown falls upon my face. Zach hands me a spoon and I take it."Thanks", I mumble. He nods in response.

I sit on the counter, eating my ice cream. Zach just watches me as if he's trying to figure me out. He walks over to the freezer and grabs an ice pack. He holds it out for me to take," here."

I look at him weirdly,"I don't need an ice pack. I don't have any broken bones or sore mussels."

He smiles,"but you have a broken heart and as your best friend I'm going to help you heal."

I roll my eyes, but press the ice pack against my chest.

"Remember how at the beginning of the school year we made a high school bucket list", Zach asks.

I shrug,"yeah, why?"

His smile widens,"we are going to do everything on it. After we complete all of those crazy tasks there is no way you're still going to be sad. Plus it will take your mind off of it."

I smile,"I like that idea. But will Mason Taylor get mad that we are doing this without her?"

Zach shakes his head,"she would want you to feel better."

Well this is going to be interesting. I nod,"You're right. I'm in! What's first?"

Hey! How are you guys doing?
Double update week! Yay, lol.

I know, this chapter was crappy and short. I'm sorry. I kept trying to write it but I just wasn't satisfied with the way it turned out. Anyway the next chapter will be better.

I hope you are excited to read more. Don't forget to vote, comment, read, and all that good stuff.

See you guys soon!


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