Michael's P.O.V.

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My eyes fluttered open from a bad night's sleep. Since Kelly had woken me up I wasn't able to fall back asleep completely, not that I minded though.

Speaking of Kelly, I noticed that she rolled off of my chest and onto the edge of the bed; she was curled up in a ball, so I gently put the covers over her to warm her up. Yep, the Ac was definitely back on.

I got of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

As I was rinsing myself off I remembered that today was Halloween, and I had a performance in Times Square. I smiled

I shut the water off and got out, wrapping a towel around my waist.

I went into the bedroom to find Kelly sitting up, staring at the floor in a trans; she didn't look like her usual perky self.

I think she heard me, because she turned around and looked at me for a minute, "hey." she said tiredly. I went over and sat by her, moving a strand of hair from her distressed face.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed, "a lot."

Then I remembered what happened last night, "do you wanna tell me about your nightmare?" I offered. She paused for a minute. "Nah, it's......nothing." she said, not looking at me.

"C'mon, you and I both know good and well that I know when something serious is up with you." I said.

She glanced up at me, "you have to promise, no, swear that you'll never tell another soul what I'm about to tell you."

"I swear."

She began.....

"When I was around sixteen, I met this guy, Seth, in my physics class. He was gorgeous. He had light brown hair, green eyes, and a smoldering smile. He was also everything I wanted in a guy, smart, funny, caring...... or so I thought. Anyways, we dated for a while, he met my family and I met his, and both sides approved so then we became official boyfriend and girlfriend. Everything seemed to be going perfect with us....... up until the end of junior year. He started um, well, pressuring me into doing it with him, but I wanted to wait 'til marriage. I told him how I felt about it and he got upset and was accusing me of not loving him and stuff like that, so I ended up not being able to deal with the guilt, thus giving in. I still remember it well sadly, that terrible night. It wasn't at all what I expected, he was so rough that I was in tears. I kept telling him repeatedly to stop but he wouldn't....... Afterwards he had told me not to tell anyone, because stuff like that was 'private'. Since I was so naive I agreed, and he continued to harass me, but it got to be against my will after a while. Also, I was blinded by the thought of 'teenage love', so that didn't help either. Anyways, things went from bad to worse in the summer of my senior year. I had gotten my acceptance letter from Julliard, my dream school, and I was the most excited person ever right then. When I went to go tell Seth he totally flipped out on me instead of being happy like I wish he would've been. When he finished yelling at me I had said something back along the lines of 'I don't love you anymore' and he raised his hand and....... h-hit me." she said, breaking. There was a noticeable crack in her voice. I was in shock as she continued.

"So then, I ended up goign to Juliard anyways, just to get away from him. So a couple years later; it actually worked out pretty conviniently, because one night Seth had called me while I was watching T.V. and said that he was 'moving to New York' to 'come and be with me'. I immediatly hung up the phone from the fear I had. Though a few minutes later I saw that you were holding auditions for backup singers and dancers for your 'Bad' tour. The next day I jumped right on it and..... here I am. Then since we were all over the world, I guess he decided not to go after me, it would've been too complicated. But now I'm worried because let's be realistic, everyone in America knows that you're having a show tonight in Times Square. And if he really is living here, ho easy for him do you think it would be for him to take me into a dark alley or something? Or even just take me away from you period?" she argued with herself. I pulled her into my lap but still remained silent.

"And my dream....... it just seemed so real. We were walking alone on the streets and then all of a sudden he came up behind us and stabbed you. I started crying and shouting at him. Then, as if just to shut me up, he grabbed my arm really hard and...... and...... Michael, I'm just so scared!" she said as she began crying. I let her sob into my bare chest, it was always better to let everything out then to keep it bottled up.

"Kelly, look at me." I told her. She looked up at me through her long eyelashes.

"Kelly Thesian; I swear that he'll never hurt you again, alright? You have to trust me on this, I'll do whatever it is to keep you safe. I'll make sureof it, okay? I love you way too much to see you like this." I said in a matter of fact tone. I wiped away the remaining tears on her precious face. I wanted to lean in and kiss her, but I didn't know if she really felt like it after what she told me. Although I was wrong. She leaned in and made our lips meet, with as much passion as burning flames. When we pulled back she smiled at me, "I love you too."

Concert- Kelly's P.O.V 

I was feeling better than ever after my talk with Michael this morning. I finally got a chance to let my secret out to someone I could trust completely. He did really make me feel better about everything.

DJ, Stacy, and I were all standing in the audience for Michael's Halloween performance in Times Square. Even though we were still technically on tour we didn't have to sing tonight because Michael was only doing five songs, and they mainly required backup dancers only, which was cool with us.

The sun was almost beneath the horizon, which set the perfect mode for the first song he was doing: Bad

(This is the song order: Bad, Beat It, The Way You Make Me Feel, Billie Jean, and Thriller)

The performance continued as planned, well, actually, it was better than expected (for me at least). All throughout the show he would stare at me intently and wink; and I honestly thought that my face was permanently pink from all of the blushing I did.

Especially during 'The Way You Make Me Feel', because he would look at me directly in the eyes and then deliberately grab his crotch. Even my friends noticed, so we all started busting up laughing.

Finally, it was the finale of the show.


While Michael was up there gettin' his groove on I felt a tap on my shoulder. I ignored it at first, thinking it may have been an accident, and kept singing.

They tapped me again.

I turned my head a round a little and had to do a double-take at who I saw; my jaw dropped as I screamed....

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