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Dedicated to veronicababydragon11 & Mickymouse711

PJ characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

I vanished in a flash of flames, sinking into the fire at my feet and then growing from the ground at Dusmon. I appeared in the middle of chaos. Humons were rampaging through the streets, knocking over children and others running from an unseen force. Daemals were following their humons the best they could without injuring themselves or others. Wood and other building equipment were strewn across the road with people buried under.

To people who did not know the evil, they would think the humons and their daemals were crazy and delusional, but I knew better. If I focused and looked around I could see the thinnest black outline of a shadow floating with others as they snatched the souls of anyone who wasn't a child or innocent/pure.

Snaktors, they got out of control again. Which wasn't a surprise because the only way to stop them was to use children or pure people, who would have to take a weapon in hand and slaughter the unseen. Not many volunteer for that, but it needs to be done.

Sadly there aren't enough pure people in this world to contain the snaktors which is how they get out of control. I need to purify this world, but I haven't had a clue on how to except now. My little drop in with Chaos gave me some ideas, but I'm not quite sure it'll work.

Luckily for me, snaktors are unable to cause me harm. I am pure as the elders from Letain said so credit to them. Every time I come here I use my throwing knives and bow and arrows, there are far too many snaktors to try and go one by one. It's easier to just take them out in groups not restricted by how far away they are.

Immediately I flew up into the air resting above the trees and shot fire out of my palms sideways catching the attention of the people and hopefully snaktors. I looked down at all the people and called upon Hera's gift, pushing their thoughts away and clearing their minds I channeled sleep to the whole planet. All of them dropped dead, figuratively of course, even their daemals.

Now that everyone even the pure were asleep, the snaktors became visible. Clothed in pitch black hooded robes with gray skeleton hands and faces, floating above the ground. I lowered myself to the ground and called them all to me, all the snaktors in the planet.

***Line Break***

Male General POV

Leaving the two unconscious captains in the infirmary, my co-general, two remaining captains, and I orbit to Dusmon. That's why we're also called the Orbitals, because when we travel we spin in an orbital route fast enough until we appear where we wish to be. Sometimes it's a little nauseating, but you get use to it. When we appeared behind an old wooden house we searched the town until we saw Apóvli̱tos slowly flying towards the ground. Everyone, humons and daemals, were fast asleep like our two captains.

"Come" Apóvli̱tos channeled.

I felt a huge wind as his wings flapped once sending his mind voice around the planet and back. I looked at my other general and she looked as confused as I felt, who was he ordering? All the people and their companions were asleep.

That's when I felts the cold rush through me and to where Apóvli̱tos now stood. Arms out he watched the thousands of snaktors rush at him hungry for souls. He only reason we were not taken was because of Lady Order who purified us in case of cases like these. Then the winged one turned and looked directly at us.

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