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Harry tucked me into bed just like he said he would, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, for all I could think about was what he had previously said to me. His words were on repeat in my innocent little thoughts, turning such a bright and vulnerable mind into a dark and lewd one.

"Sweet dreams, little one." He said to me after tucking me in, but I couldn't focus at all. I smiled at him to make it seem like I was listening, but in all actuality I hardly heard a word he said. His words clouded every inch of my brain, and like a broken record, I heard them repeat over and over again. "Your mouth will be feeling how hard I am next time, princess."

"Rose." He groaned, noticing that I wasn't really paying attention at all. I snapped out of my train of thought for the moment and glanced up at him. "What are you thinking about?" He asked me, taking my face into one of his hands as he knelt down beside my bed.

"Nothing." I replied with a small smile, hoping that he would just say good night and then leave me alone to "sleep".

"Don't lie." He demanded, his voice and his facial expressions becoming increasingly more serious by the second.

When I looked at him, all I could think about was what he said, and I couldn't take him as seriously as he would have liked me to. Though, I still played it off like I was super vulnerable under his sight just so I could get away with saying nothing was on my mind.

"I'm not lying." I whined, grabbing onto his wrist to remove his large hand from my face.

"Fine." He said, then stood up, remaining beside my bed. "You can get away with it this time, but next time you don't answer my questions you will be punished."

"I'm sorry." I apologized, pulling my blanket up higher over half of my face to hide how "nervous" I was.

"It's okay." Harry told me, as he bent down to plant a kiss onto my forehead. "Now go to sleep. I will check up on you again in about an hour and you better be sleeping by then."

I watched as Harry walked out of my bedroom, flicking the light switch to "off" just before he pulled the door shut. I sighed, then tried to clear my mind so I could actually fall asleep. But as the minutes passed, I found myself unable to feel tired, and no matter how long I kept my eyelids shut, I just couldn't drift off into a slumber.

I knew that Harry would be back very soon, and that I would possibly get myself into a lot of trouble. First, I lied to him about having things on my mind, then I couldn't even fall asleep because my mind was too clouded. I knew I should have just told him what I was thinking in the first place, but I was far too nervous to tell him that just his words had me captivated and I knew I would be embarrassed if he ever figured that out.



I entered Rosie's room again exactly an hour after I had tucked her in. I saw her beautiful young face glowing in the dimmed light of her night light, and I whispered her name to determine whether she was asleep or awake.

"Rose." I whispered faintly, and I was surprised to see her eyelids flutter open, as if she hadn't been nearly sleepy at all.

"I'm sorry I'm still awake." Her cute little voice mumbled, but there was no way I could be upset with her for being unable to fall asleep. She was clearly trying.

"It's okay, princess. Do you need anything?" I knelt down before her bed, looking into her sleepless eyes.

"I k-kinda want c-cuddles." She stuttered, and I couldn't stop myself from adoring how shy she was around me. She was so vulnerable and I loved everything about it.

"Of course, love. Anything else before we go to bed?" I watched my beautiful little girl's cheeks redden, and I instantly fell in love with the way she tried to cover it up, but I pulled her hands back down away from her face so I could admire every little freckle surrounded by a pink flushed surface.

"Can I have something to drink?" She asked me. I felt horrible to have to turn her down, but I knew that she wasn't allowed anything past ten in the afternoon, and I couldn't go behind her mother's back like that.

"No. I'm sorry. Your mother's rules still apply, even when mine are in place." I said to her, hoping that her content facial expression wouldn't turn to a saddened one.

"Okay." She said, remaining in the same mood she had been in, and I was more than glad that I didn't have to see her upset.

"Scooch." I demanded, and she obeyed me, moving over to the opposite side of her bed so I could get in with her. I lowered myself down to her bed and laid beside her, then pulled her small form into my arms.

Her head rested against my chest while her small arms found their way around my waist, and I rubbed circles onto her back while stroking her hair, hoping that it would help her relax and fall asleep. I hoped to clear whatever was on her mind and make her fall in love with the way I could comfort her.

Each circle I rubbed on her back inched farther down towards her bum, in attempt to release the tension she felt towards me.
Her quiet little voice moaned slightly once my hand was just above her bum, only causing me to imagine what it would sound like if that moan was full of lust instead. I felt my bulge grow larger, and I knew that I would be in for trouble if she noticed. She would become more and more awkward by the second and she would not like to be near me.

The fact that she moaned caused me to wonder if she was wet at all underneath those cute pink shorts of hers, but I knew better than to engage her into any s.exual activity until she was comfortable around my presence.

"Rose, hey, look at me." I said, and she instantly looked up at me. Her face expressed just how wide awake she was at that moment.

I wanted to kiss her beautiful lips more than anything, and that's exactly what I did. I pulled her small face closer to mine and connected my lips to hers. I kissed her soft lips slowly, guiding her through the moment. I knew she hadn't had her first kiss yet, so I wanted to make it easy for her, but she kissed back far better than I expected from her. She was defintiely a natural.

Her plump lips followed the movements of my own, increasing speed and slowing down at the same second I did. She kissed as if she were experienced, though I knew for a fact that she wasn't, and I was relieved that I wouldn't have to nail any teachings into her pretty little head.

I started slowing down after just moments of wet, low-intensity kisses, and she slowed down as well. I took her bottom lip softly in between my teeth whilst pulling away, and she moaned a quiet moan of pleasure.
Her eyes were still shut for a few seconds after our lips were no longer in contact, and it was at that moment I noticed she had grown tired.

Her eyes fluttered open anyways, but I brushed my fingertips against her soft, rosy cheek, and whispered, "Go to sleep, baby." 

Darn guys, I'm working on next chapter right now (because I like to have them pre-written) and it is spiCY AF

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