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After our daring moment of intimacy, Harry and I somehow mustered up the bravery to face Louis and Luna, knowing that they overheard everything. It was a risky move to have s.ex in their house but both Harry and I had no regrets. Besides, at least we carried it out in Harry's own bedroom. I figured that was where he would stay after my mother returns.

As I gathered my clothing from the floor, Harry rummaged through his old dresser for something new to wear. I had already put my undergarments on, about to put my shirt back on when he tossed me one of his old t-shirts. I willingly took it, though it was no big deal to dress myself in the shirt I had previously worn.

"Mm, wait. Take your panties off." Harry said, giving no reasoning at first; no justification.

I did it anyways, but with confusion etched in my expression.

"Why?" I asked, as I slipped my panties down my legs.

"Because you were wet in those. Why else?" Harry replied, then made his way over to me with a pair of his boxers.

He handed them over to me.

"No, I'm going to look like a bum." I whined, pushing his hands away from me.

"It's okay. Don't you want to feel clean and refreshed?"

"What the f.uck? You sound like a priest." I joked as I snatched the boxers from his hands and slipped them on. I had to fold them at the band so they would fit more snug but otherwise they just looked like shorts.

"Hey! Watch your mouth." Harry snapped, hinting at the f-bomb I dropped.

"Sorry daddy." I apologized, tugging on the edge of his shirt to pull him closer to me.

In all honesty I had still been quite turned on but at the same time my body couldn't take another round.

Instead I released his shirt from my grasp and stood up, ready to make my way back home. I had gathered all of my clothing, placing it in a drawstring bag that Harry had dug up from his closet. It actually hadn't been that difficult for him to find it, as it was in plain sight. But if opening the closet and spotting something is considered putting effort into digging around for things then sign me up.

Anyways, after taking care of the clothing situation, Harry and I made our way out of the room together. Harry had wrapped his arm around my waist, his fingertips dug into my side as we made our way down the elegant set of stairs. I was a bit nervous that Louis and Luna would greet us at the end of the staircase but instead we found them still seated in the same spot on the sofa.

Louis and Harry immediately locked eyes and I sort of stood awkwardly, hiding behind Harry as I entangled his fingers in my own.

"How was the s.ex?" Louis questioned us mercilessly.

"Oh s.hit how'd you know?" Harry joked, the most sarcasm I'd ever heard from him for the duration I knew him.

In substitution for whatever weird response, Louis mocked my moan and screamed "F.uck me daddy!" in the most high pitched voice I've ever heard a man speak in. I guess that wasn't saying a lot though, as Harry was really the first man I'd actually come to know.

"I hate you, Louis." I giggled, peaking out from behind Harry's back.

There was a short silence before Harry cleared his throat. I hugged him from behind, resting my head on his back as he spoke up. It entertained me the way his voice sounded with my ear pressed to his back.

"Well, we've gotta get going." Harry simply said, leaving an open end for Louis and Luna to reply.

"Alright. You two be good to each other while you still have the chance," Louis replied, "Luna, go give Rosie a hug. We might not see her for a bit."

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