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That night, Harry and I dressed ourselves then cuddled up in bed, where I waited in awkward silence for him to speak up.

Harry seemed quite off at that moment, making me more and more intrigued about what it was he had to tell me. If it was something powerful enough to flip his mood upside down, it was probably going to kill me.

"Daddy, what is it?" I spoke up, cuddling him closer in attempt to lighten his mood.

"I don't want you to be upset but it's quite urgent and I can't just wait until a decent time to tell you. I've waited long enough as it is." He rambled, frustrating me quite a bit. I wished he would just get to the point.

"What is it?" I repeated. I looked up at him but he refused to make eye contact with me. It made me feel pretty bad but I knew better than to stress over it.

"Your mother called." He simply stated, giving no detail at all. She could have called for anything. Only telling me that she called was not enough.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What did she say?" I asked him, only to recieve an instant frown. God, I was getting so frustrated.

Harry thought for a moment. He was probably thinking of how to word whatever it was he had to say. Or maybe he was just thinking of how much he didn't want to tell me.

"She uh... She didn't get the job." He mumbled, finally making eye contact with me. He bit his lip nervously and wrapped his arm around my waist as if to secure me there.

"What do you mean she didn't get the job? She's been gone for nearly a month! I thought she had the job already?" I raised my voice at him for some reason I wasn't sure of. It wasn't even his fault. I just felt upset.

"It's a very important job and she had to go through a very long process." Harry told me. I felt a tear prick at my eye but I didn't want to wipe it away. I didn't want him to see that I was starting to cry.

"Is this why you let me do it?" I asked him, my voice hushed and shaky by then.

Harry sighed. "No. I let you do it because I love you, Rosie. I felt the time was right. And I would have felt the same way even if I hadn't recieved that call. The circumstances don't mean sh.it, princess."

I didn't reply to him. I didn't know what to say.

"And you know what, Rose? I loved it. You are so f.ucking perfect and it kills me to know that soon I will have to leave you. I love you so f.ucking much, princess."

"When is she coming back?" I asked him. My voice was in a nearly inaudible mumble, though he was right next to me so it didn't matter.

"She'll be home in a week. She wants to spend a little more time away and she needs to get a plane ticket and figure everything out anyways." Harry explained to me. It felt like my heart had been stomped on and crushed into a million different pieces. I only had one week left with him.

I'd developed such a strong bond with Harry and I couldn't fathom imagining what it would be like without him. I expected too much too soon. I expected my mother to get the job and I expected to actually be able to have a future with Harry. I was stupid for thinking things would actually work.

"I don't want you to leave." I muttered, tears spilling down my cheeks. I hugged Harry tighter than ever and soaked his t-shirt with my tears. I fell into a fit of sobbing that I felt I would never get out of. I was crushed.

"I'm not going to leave you." Harry told me, although it was obviously a lie. There was no way we would be able to make it work.

"Yes you are. You have to." I disagreed, letting all of my emotions spill out in the form of tears on his chest.

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