Chapter Seven

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"¿Como estas?"

"¿Como estas?"

"Estoy muy bien."

"Estoy muy bien."

"Good you're doing great so far and you have other introductory phrases such as '¿cuál es su edad? ¿A qué escuela fue usted a? Cuántos hermanos tienes? ¿Cuál es el clima?' That you can use." Gia spat out.

Mas had the most confused face in history staring at the currently purple headed Latina in front of her.

"And you're lost again."

"It's not my fault you're a terrible teacher. You keep spitting Spanish words at me," Mas said getting up to get some water.

"Yea yea."

"Hey are you ok?You seem distracted. And you don't laugh at my Spanish comebacks as usual," Mas asked with a wink.

"What's it like to have kids?"

Mas spat the water she had in her mouth and it landed on Gia's phone.

"Ay dios mio! Perra!" She yelled grabbing her phone and wiping it in Mas' clothes.

"Aren't you like seventeen? What do you want with kids?" Mas asked jokingly.

"Haha very funny. I'm twenty two and you know it. I just feel lonely sometimes when Joshua is out there doing whatever you know."

"Well that's the age I had Jhonnie. But are you ready for kids? That's the thing. Honestly I wasn't ready to have Jhonnie yet. I was such a worry boat mother. I tried to hold her up when it was delivery time."

Gia laughed at Mas' strange face as she recounted the past.

"I know it's a lot of work but I'm willing." Gia but in.

"What about Josh?"

"That's the problem."



"For what mommy?"

The twenty seven year old jumped back frightened. She didn't expect the child to be so close to her,she thought she was in her room.

"We are going to the carnival with Doctor Jagan."

"Yaaaay,"the child exclaimed running off to find clothes.

Mas ran her hand through her hair,which resulted in her having to pry her fingers out afterwards regretting it. She thought about how she still has one more thing to tell Jhonnie. One more thing stuck on her mind.

Sydny searched his house up and down trying to find his car keys but came up empty. He wondered if they would mind walking. It wasn't that far after all. Or maybe he should borrow his sister's car.

He dismissed the idea and left on feet towards the house. He had wondered why she still lived in the same house as when she just got there but also thought maybe she was saving to get a new one. She was always been independent so it surprised him.

Before she knew it,there was a knock on the door and she saw Doctor Jagan standing there with a bouquet of red and white roses.

She noticed there was no car and raised an eyebrow.

"Going the economical way I see."

"Yup, saving the Ozone layer,"he responded with a laugh.

Jhonnie skipped out of the room in her polka dot sundress and purple flats which adored more than her favourite doll.

"Well hello pretty princess. How are you?" Sydny asked as she jumped in his arms.

"Fineeee,"she responded cheerily as her mother closed the door behind them.

The eyes were back as the three treaded down the sidewalk.

One plan was foiled so there was oh so perfect plan b. And with that said. The eyes were on their way to the carnival.


The man at the booth took down a big teddy and gave it to Jhonnie.

"Twenty two!" Mas laughed.

"Makes me wish I had the car now,"Sydny mumbled.

Mas only laughed at him because she had warned him not to give in to Jhonnie's puppy dog eyes but according to him,"how could I ignore that face?"

Now Jhonnie had twenty two teddy bears. Twenty one from Doctor Jagan and one from her mother.

"I'll go get a bag. Why don't you get some popcorn or something?" Mas suggested as she jogged off to get a bag for Jhonnie's presents.

Sydny held the almost six year old's hand and walked to the popcorn booth with her.

The eyes were there too,perfecting their aim. And with a target on the white man's back the shot was fired.



Mas heard the scream and dropped the bears she held and sprinted to where she left the two.

Doctor Jagan ran back towards the entrance with Jhonnie in his arms and Mas followed still unaware of what's going on.

"Sydny! What the hell is going on?!"

Sydny didn't stop. Not until they got to the hospital and that's when Mas sped up even more to take a look at her baby girl.

All she remembers seeing is the blood on her little girl's sundress before she fainted.


Sydny sat in the hospital room beside the crying Mas.

"How could they do this to my baby girl?!"

"I'm going to kill them!!"

"Jhonnieee,"she began crying again.

Doctor Jagan noticed the mood swings and depression was kicking in. Which he knew shouldn't be if Mas had been taking her medication.





Mas looked up slowly and wiped her eyes,forgetting the doctor was there with her.

"Have you been taking the medication?"he asked observing her.

"Of course!" Mas lied.

"Don't lie to me. How long have been not taking them?"

"I am!"

He didn't say anything more but sat down across from her and went on his phone.

She looked at him and felt a bit bad for lying but she had been taking them. She only missed like a few days and they weren't even consecutive days.

"Did you forget them?"

"No. I took them. I'm almost certain, I, I can't remember!" She started crying again,"I was fine! I had the therapy and life was getting better and when I forgot I just thought it would be ok."

The doctor looked at her then went over to her.

"You have to tak-"

"Miss Mascina, your daughter is ok."

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