Chapter Eighteen

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Christian stared at the woman in the kitchen from behind. An unfamiliar face to him and he wasn't sure what to do. His mother had just dropped him off and Jhonnie let him in and ran upstairs. His father was nowhere in sight and neither was his younger brother.

"Christian?" The strange lady called, "Is that you?"

Mascina could not believe her eyes. This young child that she saw when she spun around was the splitting image of Sydny,almost like Michael.

She grabbed the boy into a hug and had his mind racing. 'How did she know my name??' He thought.

She ruffled his curly hair which was about shoulder length and took another good look at him before letting him go.

Just at that moment Sydny walked in. His actions spoke more than words when he took Christian's hand and directed him up to his room along with Michael who he took in for a checkup.

Mas frowned at him and give him a pointed look which in her mind held all the emotions she's been carrying.

And at that moment in time she burst into tears. The tears she held for ten years. The tears that she regret not letting go. She was loud as well,attracting the attention of the children upstairs which Jhonnie steered outside once she understood what had been taking place.

She looked at Sydny with a look that pleaded him to forgive her mother and with that she closed the door.

Mascina cried and cried and even she felt big,strong arms surround her she didn't stop.

She was hurting and no one could stop it. She hurt herself,she hurt her husband, she hurt her kids,her family and friends.

Sydny looked down at his wife who he managed to ignore in the past ten years and nothing but guilt and shame cane rushing to him. He couldn't see why he allowed the hurt feelings to take over so badly. Why he made his wife cry internally and now externally. Why he tried to keep the kids away from her.

It made him think that if she had not shown up a few days ago would he have continued with his insensitive behaviour. For goodness sake she was his wife and he knew he loved every bit of her. So letting the anger take over so much was unbelievable.

Slowly,he lifted her head to meet his eyes and she had stopped crying by now,merely sniffling. And he took the opportunity to lean in and plant a sweet,passionate kiss on her lips. Something both of them longed to do in those few years, despite what had been going through their minds.

Mascina was only slightly shocked but wasted no time in responding to the loving kiss. Her emotions and feelings were set free and she just wanted to enjoy it. This was what Jackson had mentioned,being free, and she sure loved the feeling of it.

The children came back into the house to see their parents all cuddled up each whispering hushed apologies to each other. The sight made Jhonnie coo and Christian and Michael cringe.

Michael was the first to jump onto their laps and join the cuddle fest. Then followed Christian who cuddled up to his father's side and Jhonnie joined on her mother's side.

"I love you all," Sydny announced making each know that everything would be alright between them.

Later on that day Sydny's father and his wife sat out in the back telling jokes and ghost stories to the kids who all sat lined up in a semi circle.
From Jhonnie to Michael to Christina to Kayla,Gia's little girl who was not so little anymore to Sanya's daughter Jamie to her son Jason.

The crew of adults all gathered on the other side relating to each other the knicks and knacks of adulthood. Leilany held a small,sleeping baby in her hands and rocked him gently as they spoke.

Mascina had told them about her experiences in the big house. Some surprising and slightly sad but others were funny and had the bunch tumbling over in laughter.

They looked over at the kids and smiled in amusement as they saw Hunter chasing them all into the house after telling a really scary story.

Sydny took this time to observe his wife properly. She had gained some weight but it didn't do a thing to her but make her look sexier and curvier. She was outlined with all the right areas and things to grab onto. He saw that her hair had grown to just the top of her back as she sported some simple rope twists that really brought out her personality as she looked radiant and beautiful.

She spun around and caught him staring at her but she didn't mind one bit. She was glad he'd given her another chance and she promised not to screw up again.

She raised her hand to feel the slight stubble against his chin that ran up his face to meet his beautiful soft brown locs.

She ran her hands through them and pulled slightly on it missing the feel of it on her fingers.

He leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss and placed his forehead against hers afterwards. They stared into each other's eyes as they did when they first got married and Mascina uttered a few words under her breath.

"Thank you God."

She couldn't help it. By the Grace of God her family was healthy and well,her husband had accepted her again and she could now live guilt free,who else wouldn't thank God.

She took his hand and called it a night,leaving the others to sort out where they'd sleep for the night as she took Sydny into their shared master bedroom and locked the door.

They'd have no interruptions for the night and she was counting on that.

Who knows,maybe while they're at it she might just try for baby number 3.

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