Chapter 1

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The sky was dark and glittered with stars above the silhouette of Akademi High. Ayano Aishi has returned to her school to retrieve the unconscious body of Kokona Haruka, a purple haired beauty with cute, curly trills. Ayano had specifically picked this victim after seeing her with Taro, her beloved Senpai. Ayano had watched them in utter disgust at the two interacting at lunch time. They were eating on the rooftop and Kokona was feeding him, Ayano saw the blush quickly spreading on Taro's face as he chuckled innocently before leaning down and eating the spoonful of the food she had cooked. They looked almost like a couple, a match made in heaven.

Ayano wanted to skin her, put her bloody grotesque remains in a box to leave at Senpai's door. She wondered if he would think she was still beautiful now. It was a pleasing thought but she was interrupted by a low snicker. She turned to see a couple of delinquents still on the school grounds. The boys were sitting in a circle smoking cigarettes and passing a few beer bottles around while the girls remain quiet, they were eyeing Ayano.

"Forget something loser? Heh." One of the girls asks in a mocking tone, her voice was deep and intimating, it almost send shivers down Ayano's spine. Almost.

Ayano ignored the delinquents and made her way back in the school, teachers were still roaming around to grade the extra papers and some were packing up to leave. Ayano had to be careful, she went into the isolated room down the hallway. She opened the door and saw her treasure still there in the far corner on the small room. Ayano grinned as she heard the sweet silence of Kokona still being unconscious. Ayano picks up the heavy case and leaves the room.

She walks outside with the case, the delinquents were still lingering. She cautiously walked past them her gaze straight at the gates of the school.


Before she could take another step a delinquent hits her pipe almost inches away from Ayano's shoe causing her to stop in mid-step. A few other girls come over dragging their weapons against the rough pavement.

"Nice case, you a band geek?" One of them snickers.

Ayano nodded slowly. "Pathetic." The girl with the pipe says pushing Ayano back, this causes her to stumble back dropping the case.

Ayano's cold eyes dilated for brief second. She didn't want to snap, not yet, but her mind was racing with ways of disposing them. Burning them alive in the incinerator, slowly cutting off their limps and rearranging them, digging her hands into one of their chests to retrieve a beating heart for Senpai. The thoughts were so devious it almost made her drool in anticipation. She wanted to welcome them but she must play it cool.

She goes to pick up her case when one of them slams their foot down on it causing Ayano to drop it again.

"I just want to go home." Ayano says briefly.

"What's the rush, we just want to play~" One with red streaks in her long hair purrs.

Suddenly, one of the boys rose from their circle and walks over investigating the situation. "What's going on here ladies?" He asks curiously holding his silver bat.

"Just a band geek missing her wittle case" the girl with the pipe said.

The boy pauses when he sees Ayano and briefly looks her up and down, she was well developed and had slender legs he had the urge to run his hands down. He grins satisfied and walks over to Ayano lifting her chin up.

"Not bad...not bad." He purrs, roughly turning her face side to side so he can get a better look at the charcoal haired beauty in front of him. Her pale face was like a porcelain doll, smooth and creamy colored and her eyes hold a blazing winter in them.

If I Can't Have Senpai (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now