Chapter 18

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"I wondered what happen to them this week that brought those two so close...." Riku mumbles to himself softly. All this time he thought Ayano was all alone.

His hands tighten. He was mistaken.


The morning sun shone vibrantly in the baby blue sky lighting up the whole town and the small houses of the people who resided there. It was no doubt that it was a beautiful morning that everyone almost seemed entranced by it with goodwill and joy. However, some, not so much.

"I can't believe this..." The delinquent with blue streaks in her hair mumbles under her breath.

A small group of delinquents were hidden from the sun taking shade in their usual hideout, an abandoned shack deep in Sakurana Woods.

The blue streak haired delinquent's eyes glazed over at the remaining delinquents that stood idly before her. Originally, they had about forty members, more girls than boys. Now, they only had ten, less girls more boys. "Why the hell did this happen!!?" The delinquent suddenly yells and slams both of her hands on a wooden table making it shake violently. The remaining delinquents stared at her, some were startle and some were annoyed by her childish anger. "Everything was going according to plan, we were suppose to kill two birds with one stone and recruit more people but we ended up losing more than half of our members!!"

"Isn't it obvious, someone called the damn police!" One of the male delinquents says puffing out rings of smoke from his cigar. "You know when the police shows up some of the newbies panic."

"Damn it...why are some people so useless....Did anyone find out who called the cops?" The delinquent with blue streaks says eyeing each of the members in question.

"Maybe that Ayano-girl did." One of the female delinquents suggested. She had violet streaks in her midnight hair that almost glow in the dim lit room. She lounged on the old red couch with another delinquent with her feet resting on the coffee table.

"Thats not likely, I'm sure we cleared both Aishi and Yamada of their phones." The delinquent next to her replied as she took a sip from her cup of water. She had soft pink streaks in her hair that matched her eyes.

"What about the Martial Arts bastard?" Another male delinquent proposed while combing back his slick midnight hair.

"We caught off the power, cell reception wouldn't be possible unless he called before hand." The delinquent with violet streaks answers before snatching the cup of water from the pink streaked delinquent and taking a sip herself.

"So, basically, no one knows who did it!" The blue streak haired delinquent says raising her voice again, the speculation around the room pissed her off, she wanted a clear answer. "This was suppose to be an easy mission! I don't understand how some of you can't listen to simple directions!"

"Hey, quit yelling at us! Its not our fault, its your stupid leadership skills!" The male delinquent who was smoking yells back causing his cigarette to fall from his pink lips and onto the dusty floor. "You're not even suppose to lead such risky missions in the first pl-"

"You shut the fuck up!" The blue streaked delinquent yells kicking the coffee table over with one swift movement. The two delinquents lounging on the couch quickly recoiled their legs and some of the delinquents around took a step back. The male delinquent flinched a little at her actions then clicked his tongue and mumbled curses under his smoky breath.

"Hey, c'mon guys lets calm down now." The delinquent with pink streaks in her hair says looking around nervously. "We're not going to get anywhere unless we stop fighting, I'm sure we can all-"

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