Chapter 21

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Budo's father angrily got into his car. He slammed the car door shut and firmly pressed both of his hands against the steering wheel and let out a ragged sigh. He didn't want to admit it but he felt absolutely vulnerable. He had no clue to where his son could be nor did he know the condition he was in. He felt the cold creeping of anxiety snake down his spine as his mind went to the worst possible conclusion of his sons fate. Masuta-Sensei may have not shown it, but he did deeply cared about his son, Budo was his only child, his own flesh and blood. He loved him even though he had the most troubling of times showing it. Masuta-Sensei goes into his glove compartment to retrieve his flask. He uncaps it and tilts his head downward as he chugged the remaining of the delicious and bitter liquor it contained. Once it was empty he threw the flask at the back seat and rested his head on the steering wheel.

Budo's fathers mind suddenly flashed the excruciating image of Ayano Aishi. The devious girl who had taken his son in the first place. The girl that had Ryoba Aishi's vile blood coursing through her veins. Once again anger took over him and he banged his fists against the dashboard of his car. This was all her fault, she was the barrier that blocked him from his own son. Masuta-Sensei angrily shoved his car keys into the ignition and turns it, automatically the vehicle starts up and the interior lights up. Masuta-Sensei puts his car in drive and sped off down the moon-lit street.

Masuta-Sensei drove through the night to his house, his anger did not diminished at all. He wondered why he was the only one doing something when he shouldn't have to. There was no sense of justice in this town, it was corrupted with vile people as well as cowards who turn their heads away. His mind briefly flashed to Ryoba's trial the thought made him click his tongue in anger. He was tired of it all.

In the distance, Masuta-Sensei spots a police car parked on the left side of the street he was driving down. He felt himself glare at the car and gently, his foot hit the accelerator further. The police was one factor contributing to this injustice, they did nothing against Ryoba's case just stood there and believed in her lies and now her daughter stood in her place. Her daughter had his son. His foot slammed on the accelerator and immediately his vehicle collided with the police car. The harsh impact caused both vehicles to bruise and cave in with deep dents. The headlights of the police car shattered and crumbled to the ground.

Masuta-Sensei's vision was temporary covered with the cushion of the air bag that came out of his car. What he did was reckless but he couldn't care less, the anger within him was dangerous and breaking something was the only thing that would quench it. Masuta-Sensei puts his car in reverse to high-tail it out only to find that he couldn't. His car was stuck in the other vehicle in a tangled mess. There was no way he could get out of this mess now.

"Damn it all!" Masuta-Sensei cursed under his breath. He rests his head once again on the cushion of the air bag. His breath smelled like alcohol and his legs shook violently from the crash. "Damn it...damn it.."

A sudden tap on the window door echoed throughout the car. Masuta-Sensei quickly jumped at the sound and turned his head around to meet face to face with a man. He suspected it was a police officer ready to take him in but the man before him was not an officer, in fact he looked more like a doctor. He had dark-rimmed glasses and chestnut colored hair, and he wore a long white coat. His grey eyes resembled that of a raging thunderstorm.

"Sir, please step out of the car." The mans deep voice says through the window of his car.

Masuta-Sensei raised an eyebrow at the mans assertive tone. "Why should I? You're not a cop."

"That may be true." The grey-eyed man replies earning a smug grin from Masuta-Sensei's face but in a matter of few seconds that grin was wiped from his face when the grey-eyed man flashed him his crime scene badge, showing the name Satoru Orochi. "However, I am a forensic scientist and very close to the police department when taking down destructive people like you." The grey-eyes man replies curtly.  

If I Can't Have Senpai (Under Revision)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang