Chapter 4- In You.... In Me

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Chapter 4
In You.... In Me

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


SaberTooth used to be weak.

As it would happen, it was those days that the Guild barely made a dent in the world, when it wasn't even known to exist by the rest of the World, where the Members weren't particularly strong, where they weren't famous, renowned... Those were the days she remembered most fondly. SaberTooth used to be happy, content... And it wasn't strong, no.

But it was better than what it is now. Ruled by a merciless man with no care for anything or anyone outside of gaining more and more power. A man who was willing to beat and humiliate the people he was supposed to protect as their Guild Master, a Guild in which she was a prisoner... She was trapped.

She remembered SaberTooth and its Master, its Members fondly... She loved that Guild, and then Jiemma came and she was just... angry and scared and alone.


Hora had joined that small, unknown little Guild known as SaberTooth when she was 11. It was a Guild filled with kind people who, for what they lacked in Magical Capability, they made up for it in caring and thoughtfulness. The Members were kind to her, the Master... He was a caring man, someone she looked up to, someone she had come to admire. For a year she was in the Guild- they took her in, made her feel welcome, loved... For a year, her sad, suffering existence was just... Bliss.

Life had been unbearably hard and painful for her... Since that Beast, since her home was destroyed and her family killed... Since she should have died, and yet never did.

What kept her living... What made sure she didn't die that day... It had been pure agony. The thing that kept her living was nothing less than torture, as she lived on cold, in agony, alone... Numb and empty inside. Over and over she had wished she'd died that day, because she wasn't existing for anything... She was just an empty shell of numbing non reality, and fiery hot rage and pain.

She should have been dead, like her Family, like her brother... What was the point of living, if your existence was just to be cursed to walk alone, and empty?

Being in the Guild... Feeling included, having people to turn to, share with, talk to... For the first time since that night that she should have died... She didn't feel alone anymore. She was... Happy. She'd never thought she could be happy again.

But a year was all it lasted. A year until the day that Jiemma appeared in SaberTooth. That man, he challenged her Master for control of SaberTooth. He wouldn't take no for an answer... She remembered it like it was just yesterday.

The curse of living alone, of walking on and on with no purpose... She couldn't ever forget. She'd never been able to forget all the awful, the haunting, the painful... She remembered it all.

She remembered very clearly the looks of horror on the faces of her fellow Members. She remembered how terrified she was... As Jiemma killed her Master with one, crushing, decisive blow.

'If the fool hadn't refused to hand over the Guild, he may have lived to walk away.'

Jiemma's voice was cold, emotionless. He showed no remorse, no hesitation, no emotion to the life he had so brutally ended with his own hands... An innocent, and good life. A kind man... Someone... She...

His cold, dark eyes landed on her. Immediately he had singled her out... And immediately he had made his mind, that she wouldn't be getting away from him. He made damn sure that she couldn't ever get away... And implanted an innate fear inside of her heart, so she would never question, never fight... She couldn't.

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