Chapter 25- Breaking Point?

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Chapter 25

Breaking Point?

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Sting and Rogue stopped at the head of the lines of their Guild in the Main Hall of the Inn, their eyes cast to the floor and stiff as boards under the piercing and disgusted gaze of Master and Minerva ahead of them. The line that had parted to allow them through closed up as Rufus and Orga came to the front, Rufus feeling Hora brush against his shoulder as she stepped up beside him and they all stopped at the head of the crowd, eyes downcast and expressions tense- everyone was tense. All of them waiting with bated breath and tense shoulders. Lector and Frosch halted in front of Rufus and Orga, their eyes fixed on their Partners.

"Sting, Rogue." Jiemma growled lowly, his tone barely contained distaste and malice, everyone swallowed back at it. Minerva's fingers tapped lightly against her upper arm from having them crossed, her narrowed stare darting among the throngs of lined up Members and lips curling slightly.

"How dare you?" Jiemma growled,

"...we have no words to justify this defeat... Natsu Dragneel overpowered the both us... He was such stronger than anticipated." Rogue murmured quietly, his eyes still trained on the floor and not daring to glance up. Beside him Sting tensed, his fists clenching at his sides.

"Tch... Are those the words of Members of the strongest Guild?" Jiemma hissed, they tensed as he stood up from his chair, knocking aside the goblet of drink on the table in front of him with little a care. Jiemma stood up, looming and expression dark as he started to stalk toward the Twin Dragons, and they forced themselves to stay still.

"How dare you show such weakness? How dare you lose to such a pathetic Guild?" Jiemma hissed, halting in front of them and voice raising higher with each question, a vein ticked on his forehead and shaking in rage that was bubbling faster and faster.

"You worthless rats have disgraced the name of the Strongest Guild!"

The air shook as his Magic flared, waves of pure power ramming into both Sting and Rogue and knocking them back, their bodies hitting the floor with painful thuds as they slid and staggered back on to their feet again. Everyone in the rows stiffened against the sudden rise in power and voice, sweatdropping and biting down on their tongues as Sting and Rogue were slammed into by Master Jiemma's fists in the next instant- the large, looming, cruel man shouting now.

"You are not worthy of calling yourselves SaberTooth! Take them off! Now!" Jiemma boomed, his fists slamming into the Twin Dragons again and this time they hit the floor with their already battered bodies, and didn't manage to get up again.

Rufus instinctively cast a glance sideways toward Hora, expecting that same ire and rage in her that had ignited during the Naval Battle- and very much concerned she planned to step in now. He wouldn't blame her if she did, and in fact a part of him wanted her to- because of anyone in this Guild, Hora was the only one he could imagine would step up, even if it were ill-advised. She contended with, and reigned victorious over a Demon of Zeref all on her own- she had the strength to stand against Master, and his daughter... And lately, for the first time in the years that Rufus remembered, she had the heart and determination too.

Rufus' eyes shift sideways slowly, only to stiffen when his eyes lay on the person beside him- and it was not Horatia.

The blonde man sweatdropped, his head turning a bit more in the direction and searching the people to his left quickly and quietly for any sign of that familiar multicolor hair. When he didn't find her he glanced over his shoulder and still found no sign of her again, and his nerves started to rise out of his usual cool and calm. Rufus glanced right and toward Orga, and his head tilted forward to peer around the larger man- perhaps he'd made a mistake and Hora had moved to stand on Orga's shoulder and not his own..?

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