Chapter 23- Lurking Shadow

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Chapter 23

Lurking Shadow

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's and Ideas


Hora blinked, her blue eyes narrowed and trailing quietly along the lines of people heading into the Colosseum still- even though the GMG was by now halfway done for the day. She stood apart from the lines, her arms crossed over her chest and nose twitching even as she watched- picking out heads of black and white... But never both at the same time, like Drille had described.

Honestly though... Why was he so freaked out? Who could look that terrifying...?

"I.. I don't know Miss! It was just.... the way he looked at me, his eyes... they were so cold! Everything about him was just so..... d-dark...! When he looked at me..... it was like he...... he looked angry..... so much rage out of n-nowhere..!"

Another chill ran down her spine again, and she swallowed at it.

Something really doesn't feel right

'The question is why....' Lixue mumbled,

Her eyes dropped closed as she took in a long breath of air, picking apart the different smells and the like... but nothing out of the ordinary came up, nothing that didn't make sense for why it would be there. Behind her the Colosseum was awash with noise as everyone watched the one-on-one battle between Mermaid Heel and Quatro Puppy... though Hora wasn't all that interested in that fight, this was more pressing... more concerning.

.... hmm....

Her eyes narrowed, flashing slightly as she shook her head a bit..... the feeling of dread and unease wasn't going away though.

'We'll have to keep an eye out from here.' Lixue commented,


She sweatdropped, grimacing a bit.

... Yukino joined the King's army.... for some Project.....

She growled,

.... damn it Yukino...... I hope you know what you're getting into... I don't like the sound of this......

"And with that, Millianna treats the Arena like her own personal cat-box, and she's got something big to bury!"

Hora glanced backward a bit, hearing the announcer's voice being followed by a roar of applause and approval.

.... Mermaid won then.....

She sighed, biting the inside of her cheek only to break off in a wince- growling.

.... I suppose I ought to get back..... I've probably got them worried....

She turned on her heel and started back into the Colosseum, brushing passed the people in the crowds and fixed on her destination entirely.

"Next up, the Minstrel who sings to the red moon- SaberTooth's; Rufus Lore!"

Hora blinked, her steps quickening just ever so slightly as she heard Rufus' name called out.

"He'll be facing off against Blue Pegasus'; Eve Tearm!"

Hora made her way passed the straggling few people that were around as she drew nearer the hallway that would take her to the SaberTooth Box, eyes fixed ahead and unawares of the eyes from someone else a few dozen feet away.

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