Chapter 1

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I was considerably small for most people my age. I guess that was why my parents didn't want me. I'll never know if they were average height or not but to anyone who was looking I was clearly a dwarf. For the most part of my fourteen years on earth I've been bouncing around from home to home like a nomad. I never stay in one place for more then a year. I like to think that in four years I'll be on my own, but the reality is I haven't the slightest clue on how to take care of myself and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Plus, counting down just seems to make time go by slower.

Anyway I woke up this fine Saturday morning the same as most, struggling to get out of the bed and complaining that the bed was too high. I should be happy that I had a bed, there was a time when I didn't. Regardless of my height, I still made it to the floor and then proceeded to the bathroom which was occupied. In my life there has been two or three things I knew for sure. 1 I was a midget 2 there was always a wait in the bathroom and no privacy at a group home, and 3 so far there was no place for me in this world. Or so I thought. Because I couldn't she into the future, I had no clue as to what my day, let alone my life, would bring. I began to bang on the door because I knew my bladder was just as small as I was, and it would not hold out much longer. Just like a genie had granted my wish, the door opened and the bathroom was mine until of course someone else started to bang on the door. Never the less I relieved my bladder and took a shower and then made my way down stairs where, like most days, I had to scrap for food. No hand outs. Once breakfast was out of the way I made my way to my dungeon to be a reclused dwarf and not a moment after I made it upstairs was I called back down.

"Lauren!" Called Tabatha, my foster mother from the bottom of the stairs. "Someone is here to see you." I waddled back down the steps and wondered who could possibly want to see me considering I had no friends. The journey was long and tiring for my short legs but I was rewarded with an answer to all my questions once I reached the bottom.

"Hi, Lauren I'm Elizabeth,"said a pretty face and friendly hand.

"And I'm Wyatt," said a husky voice and calloused hand. I smiled and politely shook their hands but I was quite sure curiosity was written all over my face as I introduced myself.

"Lauren," I said very bluntly, I was intrigued and offset about them wanting to meet me when Tabatha interuppted my thoughts.

"Oh uhh these are the Walkers, they called this morning requesting a visitation and I forgot to tell you that over breakfast," explained Tab. Don't get me wrong I was excited and Tab was a nice person but I did not appreciate this last minute explanation. I smiled again trying to hide my disgust when Tab announced that she would be leaving us alone to talk. I led the lovely couple to the study and closed the door behind but not knowing what to do or say, sat awkwardly in silence.

"So, Lauren, tell me about yourself," asked Elizabeth. She was pretty, about 5' 9 with long curly brown hair and blue eyes with freckles to match. She looked very maternal with her large bosom and wide hips while still having an overall slender and spry frame. She donned a blue and white chevron sundress that extenuated the color of her eyes. She was very subtle but very chic giving me an overall good first impression. I rewarded her with my background.

"Well, I'm 14 uhh in the 8th grade. Not very athletic considering my stature, but I'm definitely a bookworm. I'm in the top 5% of my class with a 4.67 GPA and my favorite subject is English." I bored myself to sleep but, that is what she asked for. She smiled and chuckled.

"Sweetheart, I asked you to tell me about yourself not persuade me or earn my stamp of approval based on academics. All of that is great, but tell me about you." I was dumb struck as one might imagine because I wasn't quite sure what she was looking for. If that wasn't telling her about myself than I don't know what is. I gave her husband Wyatt a skeptical look and he gave me one back. Elizabeth picked up on the vibes and responded. "OK I'll go first. I'm Ellie I work at Baylor Hospital in Dallas as an anesthesiologist uhm I love country music I love cooking and I love my husband Wyatt to whom I've been married to for 7 years. I like to go fishing and mudding and anything that involves the great outdoors. When I'm not doing any of those things you could find me shopping either online or in store or curled up reading a book by the fire." I smiled at her thorough explanation of who she is and wondered who exactly I was.

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