Chapter 2

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Somehow I had managed to fall asleep in the car ride and woke up to the breeze on my legs and a steady up an down bouncing. Startled, I opened my eyes to find that I was being carried by Wyatt into what seems to be his home. Immediately I went into a panicked frenzy kicking and flailing, hyperventilating and crying.

"Hey, Hey calm down sweet pea," I turned around to find Elizabeth rushing up to calm me down. Surprisingly she was extremely comforting. Carefully she grabbed me from Wyatt and led me inside to sit me on the sofa and sat down next to me. "You had a little scare today didn't you? It's okay you just fell asleep that's all," she explained as she stroked my cheek. "We're home,Luv," she said as she looked around the room. "We just wanted to get a few things before we left and switch cars so you wouldn't have such a tough time getting in and out okay baby?" She had an extreme maternal tenderness in her voice, it was almost frightening. Elizabeth proceeded to wipe the tears off of my face. I turned to take in my surroundings when I found Wyatt staked out in a corner.

"Sorry Mr. Walker I didn't mean to freak out like that," I apologized

"Hey it's no big deal I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you I should've woken you up or something-"

"No it's fine I just Uhh, sorry." He smiled and ruffled the curls on my head and went about his way leaving Ellie and I alone. Ellie smiled at me and went into the kitchen. With all the commotion I hadn't gotten a chance to fully observe my surroundings. I found myself in a fully furnished den where in the corner rested an antique piano. I looked up to find that above my head dangled a large crystal chandelier. It wasn't to long before Elizabeth noticed I hadn't followed her and she went back to retrieve me.

"Lauren,honey," she chirped. The sound of her voice the way my named rolled off her tongue and doted 'honey' on the end was all too inviting. It gave me a sense of security and I wanted to hide inside of it as if it were a safe haven. With all my thinking I forgot to respond so she grabbed me by the wrist and led me to her kitchen she pulled out a chair at her table, which was high, and scooped me up to sit in it. Once I was situated she went about the kitchen quickly until she handed me a glass of chocolate milk and sat down next to me smiling. I took it but I must've looked intrusive because she asked if I liked chocolate milk.

"Oh, yea it's just-"

"You aren't used to being catered to," she said completing my statement. She wasn't wrong so I nodded. "Lauren you don't ever have to worry about that it's not your responsibility and that pressure is too great. We, Wyatt and I, we want that and you deserve to be catered to. There is no reason for you to be feeling the way you feel let Mommy fix it," she pleaded with me as if she were desperate, as if her life depended on me being her child, as if she was wired to love me. I looked down into the bottom of my glass and in fell a single tear. Noticing, Elizabeth lifted my chin and I saw tears in her eyes too. "Let me fix it."

"Ellie have you- oh Uhh is everything ok?" asked Wyatt as he barged into the kitchen. Quickly Ellie straightened up and wiped her face.

"Yea babe what's the matter, have I seen what?" Wyatt continued to look from me to Ellie.

"Have you seen the keys babe?"

"You are the only one that drives around here babe, the keys to which car?"

"The keys to your car?"

"Have you checked the key hook?"

"Right," said Wyatt, he looked over me and Ellie one more time ran to retrieve the keys and came back.

"Alright are we ready to roll?" Before anyone could answer my stomach started to growl

"I think that somebody is hungry," declared Elizabeth.

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