Chapter 6

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"Babe, wake up. Breakfast is ready," Daddy said as he shook Mommy awake this morning. Half awake on Mommy's chest, I could smell bacon. "Cmon baby," I could hear Daddy pleading. Mommy began to stir beneath me and held me as she sat up. "Hey, good morning baby," I could hear the soft smooches he gave Mommy.

"Morning," she said groggy. I woke up hearing the tearing of my diaper tapes. "Good morning precious," said Mommy as she patted my tummy and changed my diaper. "Did someone sleep good last night?" I stretched and rolled over on my tummy. "No punkin let mama put your diaper on," she pleaded as she patted my booty. I whined and rolled over in compliance. After taping up my fresh diaper she picked me up and rested me on her hip as she toted me into the kitchen.

"Good morning baby girl," said Gammy as she pinched my cheek. I turned away grouchy and rested on mommy's shoulder. She poked my chest and ordered me to be nice before kissing my forehead. "Somebody woke up in the wrong side of the bed this morning!" Gammy proclaimed. "It's okay baby girl Gammy made you some oatmeal princess, unless you want some eggs and bacon like Mommy and Daddy," she strokes my cheek genuinely interested and I pouted. "Someone's still trying to wake up huh," carefully Mommy passed me to Gammy who then sat me in a high chair. I began to whine upset but it wasn't long before she came back with a small bowl of oatmeal and a squeeze pouch of Mott's applesauce. From the smell I knew the oatmeal was Quaker brown sugar and Cinnamon, one of my favorites. Eagerly I patted my tray waiting for my food. "Somebody wants some nummies huh, you hungry baby girl?" Gammy spoon fed me and like a vacuum, I sucked up every last bite. When I was done I leaned back in my high chair content. Gammy smiled and opened my applesauce while making small talk. "How did you guys sleep last night?"

"It was really good we all slept like babies," chuckled Daddy. "Especially that one over there," he said pointing to me. I sat like a deer in headlights sucking my applesauce pouch. Everyone began to laugh as I continued to stare.

"Cmon baby girl finish up your applesauce," said Mommy as she stroked my cheek. "Anyway, yea we all slept really well last night and we made a big break through with little LuLu here," Mommy smiles down at me just as I finished my applesauce. I threw down the empty pouch and reached for her.

"Yea? And what was that?" Pappy looked at us suspiciously. He still rubbed me the wrong way.

"You wanna tell em babe?" asked Daddy. Mommy smiled as she wiped my hands and face. "Go ahead and tell them El," Daddy smiled in pure excitement.  Meanwhile I fussed and tried to weave around baby wipes. Mommy smiled down at me as she tried to clean me up and kissed me.

"Calm down precious, see we're all done," she rocked me in her lap trying to collect herself before she broke the news. "For a while I have been lactating in preparation for the adoption and she's been drinking my milk because I've been pumping. Well last night we finally got little Lauren on the breast." Mommy smiled down at me with tears in her eyes. The vein in her forehead started to pop out and I knew she was crying with tears of pure joy. Gammy came and wrapped her arms around us kissing Mommy's forehead.

"That's wonderful, Elizabeth! I'm so proud of you," said Gammy in support. "Do you guys have anything planned for today?" Mommy looked up at Daddy before shaking her head. "Well there's a rodeo tonight me and Dean were gonna go to. You should come and Wyatt your brothers are gonna be there. I think today you should introduce little Lauren to our side of the family so she can see what the Walkers are all about!" I got excited and slightly nervous. I didn't want them to come off like Pappy did, but Gammy was a total sweetheart.

"That's actually not a bad idea Mom," Daddy looked down at me and smiled. "You wanna meet your Uncle Wesley and your Uncle Weylan and your Aunt Wrynn?" I looked up at him and innocently babbled gibberish. He chuckled and picked me up. "Precious peach," he said kissing me all over my face. "You still grumpy trying to wake up huh? That oatmeal got you full and sleepy."

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