5: Pineapples

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Chapter 5: Pineapples

"Do you need more ice?"


"How about some water?"


"Are you sure?"


"You are so infuriating!"

"What did I do? I am the one with a broken nose here", Leo reasoned clutching the ice pack closer to his nose.

"Exactly. Why did you throw a pie at me?" I crossed my arms on my chest in sheer frustration. I had washed my hair and face in the washroom; took off my cardigan and top to wear a Carlo's Pizzeria t-shirt.

"For the hundredth time, I was aiming at Josh not you", he cried out. I have a feeling he was pretty winded up too.

"Yeah he's right. We had this little game going on between us and it involved him throwing a pie at me", Josh rationalized.

"See princess? I will never hurt you unless you are up for some spanking", he smirked. I gave him my if-you-don't-stop-with-your-innuendos-I -might-punch-you-again look.

"Wait you guys know each other?" Josh chimed in.

"Dude remember the girl who kissed me at the cafeteria. Yeah-that's her", Leo grinned, I on the other hand was blushing.

Josh had that incredulous look on his face. "Oh God-I actually wanted to meet you! No wonder you look familiar"

"Why?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"That was a very effective way of snatching food from someone. Do you have any other tricks up your sleeve? The kiss thing was foolproof but I can't use that on Derek and Leo to get the last slice during the game ..."

I chuckled and Leo joined me."Dude I will always get the last slice", he smirked proudly.

Derek decided to take the empty seat beside me. Josh and Leo moved their chair just to give him space as we were cramped in those tables in the restaurant.

"Dude she's the girl who kissed-" Josh started but before he could say more and embarrass me more Derek interrupted him.

"Yeah I heard- what's your name by the way?" Derek said in a deep voice. He seemed like the quit type while Josh was the opposite of him.

"Emerson Justice, but call me Emma", I gave him a warm smile.

"I am Derek "

"And I am Josh!" Josh chimed in happily.

"Dude I think she knows your name given Carlo was screaming your name the whole time", Derek argued. Little did he know I read his name of his name tag which he didn't have it on now.

"Leo are you okay?" Carlo came after serving some customers at the cafe, his expression full of concern. He placed a hand on Leo's back who was sitting on the table with a ice bag on his nose. I try not to look at his nose but I couldn't help but catch a glimpse and every time the angry red bruise made me feel guilty.

"Yes Carlo I am okay", he replied sheepishly. Carlo seemed like a good boss who was just stuck with four unruly, hormone-addled teenagers as his employee. Poor Carlo. I felt bad for him.

"I think it's time for me to go", I said getting up from my seat.

"Oh no miss wait", Carlo said. "You didn't get your order yet".

I completely forgot about the order in fact I just realized how hungry I was until now. "Oh yeah that completely went out of my mind after the whole ordeal", I glared at Leo and in return Leo winked at me.

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