17: Ground Beef

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Chapter 17: Ground Beef

Leo was right. This kid was a walking disaster. It has been half an hour since his mother left and he managed to spill ketchup on the carpet and break his toy train. His mother Mrs. Walsh was a nice woman though.

"All the emergency numbers will be on a post it note on the fridge. And please make yourself comfortable. Order something for dinner. It's on me", she smiled warmly at us.

"Yes Mrs. Welsh. We will", Leo said.

"Please call me Claudia. After Sarah and Scott fall asleep you guys could watch a movie at the recreational room. You know have a little date inside since I would be late".

"Oh no Claudia we are not a couple", I said laughing airily.

"Awwhh too bad then. You guys should date. I think you look good together", with that she left, leaving us in an awkward position.

"Too bad she doesn't know how you fell in love with books. And had your best sex with them. But she will get to know soon once you get featured on TLC", Leo said with a straight face.

I elbowed him in the ribcage. "Shut up you Arse-n".

He laughed, the sound of breaking something interrupted us. Dubious we went inside the kitchen to find Scott with his toy train shattered in pieces in front of us.

I went up to him, picking up the broken pieces in case Sarah, Scott's sixteen month old younger sister steps on it. "How did this happen? Are you hurt?"

"It wasn't working so I broke it. No, vampires never get hurt".

Leo rolled his eyes, muttering something incoherent. While I was busy cleaning the mess up and Leo had Sarah so she doesn't walk on the pieces, we heard the sound of something falling.

"NOW WHAT!" Leo rushed to the counter to find Scott licking ketchup of his fingers, his tee covered in ketchup stains.

"A vampire needs to drink blood"  Scott said licking some more ketchup off his hands.

"Okay Edward Cullen but first you need to get changed", I said picking up Scott and heading upstairs to change him into something decent.

I came back to see Leo scowling, his hands placed under his chin while Sarah was crying beside him. "What happened?" I settled Scott on the carpet in front of his hot wheels set, and picked up Sarah to find her a little smelly.

"I ain't changing her diaper. You will", Leo said grumpily.

"Nope we signed up for this together. I  cleaned up Scott's mess it's your turn to clean up Sarah's", I am not changing her diaper either. Period.

"Excuse me? As far as I remember you got us signed up for this mess! I didn't. So you  change the diaper not me!".

"She is your best friend's niece, come on you have a part I this", I tried handing Sarah over to Leo. "Change. Her. Diaper".

"Okay how about we determine this with a game of rock paper scissors", he suggested.

"Okay deal!"

"Make sure you do it right", I smirked as I handed him the packet of diaper and a box of wet tissues. I won again Leo and so Leo gets to change her diaper.

"Oh god please save me", he closed his eyes and mumbled something.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Praying to god".

I rolled my eyes, "Just do it".

"I think I am gonna vommit".

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