Chapter 14: Rancor

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Akasuna no Sasori

I was walking through the base when I came upon some of the members of the organization sitting in one of the living rooms talking about something. I didn't want to interrupt them, so I simply grabbed one of the scrolls from the closet and continued walking towards the exit of the base. Today I felt like reading something and what's best than reading about new techniques? So I headed towards my favorite place- a great rock at the top of the hill where you could practically see the entire territory that the Akatsuki controlled.

I liked this place precisely because of this: I could see everything and I liked having everything under control. When I arrived, I sat down and began to read, every once in a while diverting my eyes as the horizon caught my attention over the beautiful scenery. In one of the many times that I looked over, my eyes found themselves on Deidara's figure far away in a pond- and I could not believe that he'd be there bathing in the nude!

I smiled because I remembered the first time he entered the Akatsuki and was appointed as my partner. Everybody soon started abusing him; he was too young and his combat experience in comparison to ours wasn't sufficient enough. I'd be lying if I said that guy with the blond hair and blue eyes didn't attract me. He was handsome! He was very talkative and very stupid as he confronted opponents he couldn't possibly defeat, like the Uchiha. He'd die young! Still, even with those defects of his, his eyes were hypnotizing and I liked their ability. When we started working together, I noticed almost immediately that he had a great respect for me but at the same time, he loved to joke and mess with my art. If my art was eternal and lasting, his were explosions- ephemeral- and I did not consider that an art. He was just a brat that liked to blow up things!

The first time I was with him, he had been beaten by the others of Akatsuki and I think... they had violated him. When he saw me, I think he thought he was safe and he was, more or less, because even I was dying to make him mine. I wanted to have and possess that blond. I think it was the only time that I regretted ever having employed my art onto myself because being made of wood, I didn't have the luxury, but I still enjoyed it. Perhaps it was in that moment that I began to fall for him, but it was too late, I had abused him and he had feared me.

He feared me for a few months, then things calmed down as I began to prove that I wouldn't do it again although, I did try to seduce him. I tried to get him to look at me as more than his 'Danna,' I wanted him to fall for me, to always be mine, but as much as I tried, he never looked at me like that. Even so, I kept trying.

I looked at him in the pond and if not for all those wounds, he would've had a precious body. When he let his hair down to wash it, I couldn't help thinking that it suited him better that way because tied up, it made him look more feminine, much more innocent. Although, it was also sensual, I liked his hair tied up, especially when they left the neck exposed because it made it seem easier to kiss.

I loved watching him. I wasn't even focusing on the scroll anymore; I couldn't stop looking at how he passed his hands over his body, taking away the dirtiness he harbored over the last attack, they almost killed him. Beasts! If I had been there, I would've protected him, but I wasn't and that hurt me.

How I loved Deidara, he didn't have the slightest idea as to how much I desired him; that guy had to be mine one way or another. I loved his smile, I could still remember it. It had been months that I hadn't seen him smile. I remembered those first days when he joked with me, he was a happy guy and I liked his vitality. I loved his innocence- that which he lost and I wished he would get it back.

What I did not expect to see, was the Uchiha taking his clothes off and entering. That annoyed me, it made me mad! How was my wooden body supposed to compete with his body of meat and bones that the entire organization desired? I expected my blond to not pay him any attention, I mean, he hated him. What the hell was I worrying over? Itachi and Deidara were like water and oil- completely incompatible. The Uchiha didn't pay attention to him ever since he entered and Deidara hated him like never before. It was impossible and even so, I was jealous that the Uchiha was there, in the nude and nearing my blond.

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