Chapter 20: Captured

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Sasuke Uchiha

That morning, I woke up like any other: with the company of Karin. However, just like any other morning, as soon as she finished her job, I headed towards the shower and waited there until she marched away, generally pissed off when Suigetsu entered to mess with her, something I was thankful for. Not bad, that Suigetsu helped me with her! Oddly enough today, while I was in the shower, I don't know why but I thought of my old team mate. Perhaps seeing my brother with a blond guy had made my mind look back on the other blond, because I really didn't understand.

It's not like I was thinking of Naruto, more like I was thinking of how it had been long since I've heard his annoying shouting, begging me to return to the village. I smiled because honestly, that guy was persistent. He had been after me for years, following my tracks- and all for what? To fulfill a promise he made to Sakura, but I wasn't going to return.

That village hindered my development and I wanted to kill my brother. To me, it was my only wish. I hadn't come this far to lose it all now, I was going to keep at it till the end, at whatever it cost. I only hoped Naruto wouldn't get in my way like he used to because in this moment, nothing or no one would impede me from getting my vengeance.

It struck me as odd to not see my brother anywhere, the base was too quiet today. I hadn't seen the usual people from the organization move about and Suigetsu was getting bored of spying on a deserted scene.

"I think something happened." Suigetsu told me, laying against a tree under its shade.

"Yeah, I'm beginning to think that as well." I commented. "It's way too calm."

"I think we should take a look around, perhaps they've moved."

"Yeah, let's go." I said. "Let's look for Karin first, she'll detect any chakra faster."

"Alright, let's head back to base to look for her, then." Suigetsu smiled at me.

We returned to base and found Juugo playing with a few birds but Karin was nowhere around. We looked for her in all the different rooms of the cave where we hid and finally, we found her outside, close to a fountain in the forest.

"Sasuke-kun~" I heard Karin say when she saw me and like always, made that face that annoyed me to the last nerve.

"Stop calling me like that." I said in a serious tone. "I hate when they call me in that way."

"Sorry." Karin apologized.

"I need you to search for my brother." I indicated. "Since you have a better advantage to locate people."

"I'll look for him." She said, beginning to walk towards the north, as if returning to the Akatsuki base.

We headed towards the base and once sufficiently close, Karin informed us that Itachi was in there, but there were very little people in there and the majority had gone out.

"What about the blond?" Suigetsu asked.

"He's not in there." She commented.

"Search and locate him, we'll need him."

Karin looked for him for a long while and it cost her to finally localize him. We looked for him by foot but in reality, the best at search was Karin, so we waited for her to localize him and inform us where to find the guy.

In the end, she got it, but it was a distance away from where we found ourselves. We sped up our pace, jumping from tree to tree and even so, it seemed to me to be an eternal distance because it felt like we made no advancement.

"How much until we reach our objective?" Suigetsu asked, tired of not localizing him.

"At this pace, fifteen more minutes." Karin commented. "Though, he's not alone." She told us. "There are at least four other people and I don't think you'd like what I'm feeling."

"What are you feeling?" Suigetsu asked curiously.

"He's dying." She told us and before my surprise, I sped up even more, separating myself from the rest.

I couldn't let that guy die, he was my ticket towards my brother. I only wished to kill Itachi and this blond was important to him, I needed him to attract Itachi towards me. What I didn't understand is why the same members of the organization would want to hurt one of them, it didn't make sense. I wouldn't even think of hurting those in my team, I needed them.

It could be that maybe I didn't understand, but I needed to hurry before they killed him. I couldn't permit myself to lose the only way to attract my brother; I needed him alive and if I had to kill half the organization of Akatsuki to get my objective, then so be it.

When I arrived, I only had time to watch from a tree branch how the other four walked away between conversations and laughs, I don't think they even noticed I was there. The blond was underneath me. He had so much blood over him that I couldn't see nothing of him, I almost couldn't identify him if not for his blond hair. I understood nothing. Why beat him like this? They were supposed to be team mates, they shouldn't be treating him like this. He was torn.

I jumped off the tree branch once my teammates arrived at the same branch I was on seconds before and neared the blond. I think he saw and recognized me but even so, he did not move. He couldn't move as he was even if he tried.

"He's half-dead." Suigetsu said. "To be sincere, it'd be a great gesture to kill him and end his suffering."

"We're taking him." I commented.

"Sasuke, we can't move him in this state." Suigetsu said once again. "Look at him, he wouldn't last a trip."

"Then heal him with the basics to move him because we're taking him." I repeated.

He was torn, and I could only imagine what they had done to him. He stayed unconscious at the moment while Karin began to heal his wounds, though I knew he was too damaged to recuperate instantly. So long as she maintained him alive and we could take him, that was enough for me.

I neared him, parting his hair from his face now full of marks and bruises. I looked at his busted lip where blood still trickled. They had really given this guy a beating.

"Your brother is going to kill us all." Suigetsu complained. "And maybe you could stand against an Uchiha, but the rest of us wouldn't even last." He commented.

"I'll take care of Itachi myself. I only need this guy to keep breathing, my brother will come for him." I commented. "How is he, can we take him?"

"It's not convenient to move him, Sasuke." Karin said.

"We have to. We're taking him to base."

Juugo was the one who carried him on his back as we returned to the tall trees, jumping in direction of our base, well, our cave. The rest of them were up ahead while I stayed behind him,  unable to stop looking at the blond.

What did this guy have to make my brother fall for him? He was supposed to be heterosexual, but I saw him kissing this guy. Suigetsu neared me for curiosity as to why I kept looking at the guy more than anything.

"You like him that much?" He asked, smiling.

"No." I said, serious. "Just asking myself... what does my brother see in him?"

"He's very feminine." Suigetsu told me. "Unusually blond hair, perhaps his way of being, I don't know, I don't know him. However, physically, he attracts me, so it's probable that your brother likes both things: his personality and his physical body. Are you sure he doesn't attract you the least bit?" He asked me.

"Not in the least." I told him.

"So that means I can keep him?"

"When I don't need him and I've finished with my brother, then he's all yours."

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