Chapter 33: For You

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Naruto Uzumaki

That night, I couldn't sleep. I didn't count on them taking Sasuke to that cold prison, but I suppose they didn't trust him. In reality, I was the only idiot who trusted him to the point of having his katana slicing into my neck and telling him he wouldn't kill me.

I got up early because I was too distressed about Sasuke, so I went to Konoha's prison to only find out that nobody could go in to see him. I got angry because I was the one who brought him and I wanted to see him, I demanded to see him. I walked all the way to the Hokage's office, to Kakashi because they had obligated him to stay there. I entered without calling to see him sleeping behind a pile of papers and reports. He woke up in shock from the way that I opened the door and walked into his office.

"I want to see Sasuke!" I shouted.

"Naruto, don't start a scandal at these hours of the morning." He said.

"I demand to see Sasuke, I brought him here and I want to see him."

"Fine." He said, a bit cross as he signed a paper. "Here, show it at the door."

I grabbed the paper from Kakashi and returned to the prison. The lookout at the door looked at me weird, but he was no one to go against an order from the Hokage, so he let me pass. He indicated where the Uchiha's cell was and I walked alone through the dark hallway with a torch. I liked nothing of what I saw because the prisoners all tended to be fallen on the floor without moving and to me, something told me that something bad happened, something really bad. I sped up my pace because I was scared of finding Sasuke the same and when I reached his cell, I was right. He was on the floor, wasn't moving, and smelled bad.

"Sasuke?" I called out to him but received no answer so I opened the cell although the lookout came running to tell me that I couldn't enter, but at the distance he was from me, I was already inside kneeling before the body of my friend. "Sasuke!" I shouted to wake him up but nothing.

When I moved my hand from his head, I noticed that it was tainted with blood. I got scared, checking his head to see the wound while one of the guards came towards me telling me I had to leave.

"You assholes, he's wounded!" I shouted. "You have to take him to a medic!"

"He's asleep." One of them said.

"Bullshit, he's bleeding! Either you take him to a medic or I take him myself!" I said, beginning to take Sasuke's body in my arms.

"You can't take him out of here, the prisoner can't get out of his cell." He told me, annoyed.

"I'm taking him, be it for the good or bad!" I shouted at him angrily and both guards got scared, letting me pass with Sasuke in arms.

I brought him out into the street and in front of the light, I had noticed they had done something else to him because he was full of wounds and that horrible odor persisted. What the hell have they done to him in there? People looked at me through the streets and whispered about Sasuke. The people of the village feared him but I didn't care, I heard them tell me that he should be in prison but I wasn't thinking of leaving him there. I wanted to take him to the hospital, I needed them to heal him, to tell me that he was alive.

I arrived at the hospital and the sick immediately stiffened to see me enter with Sasuke. I shouted at them to help me but nobody wanted to help the raven, they were scared of him and I was about to loose my patience with this damn indifference everyone had towards my friend. I was tired of all this hypocrisy- he was still the same Sasuke I knew, the one that insulted and fought with me, the prideful Sasuke Uchiha, the most handsome and popular guy in the village that had to hide from all the girls.

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