Family meetings (New Year part 2)

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"Momma! Momma!" exclaimed three very excited children bouncing happily towards my big sister, almost knocking her down.
Sarah just laughed and patted their heads "I missed you too. Are you ready to meet your new uncle?" my nephew and nieces nodded their heads, barely containing their glee. She turned to us "Children this is Spencer Reid, uncle Derek's boyfriend and your new uncle. Say hi".
"Привет, дядя Спенсер" the three of them replied in Russian. (Hi, uncle Spencer)
I looked at them strangely and cursing my brother in law for teaching them that language. Then again it is his mother tongue and they are his children.
Why did my sister decide to marry a Russian man? I complained in my head, not liking the memories of three mischievous children planning terrible pranks in Russian while I don't understand a thing. And if she says again that it was his cooking, I'll punch a wall!
"Kids!" scolded Sarah "Not everyone knows Russian. I am sorry Spencer" apologized my big sister to my boyfriend.
Strangely pretty boy didn't assure her that everything was, like the kind soul he's always like. He simply replied back to the children... in Russian: "Привет, маленькие. Как дела?" (Hi, little ones. How are you?)
"У нас все хорошо, спасибо за вопрос" Alexandra answered politely with a confident sweet smile. (We are fine, thanks for asking)
"You know Russian pretty boy?!" I asked him surprised by the discovery. Judging by the dropped jaws of my relatives I wasn't the only one "I know that you speak both Latin and Italian, but not this. How many languages do you speak?".
"My mother taught me how to read, write and speak Russian when I was a kid. At high-school I learned Italian and at collage Latin. All C2 certificated level" he told me "And well to live in the United States you need to know English" he joked with a small cheeky smirk.
"Don't be a smart as..." I shut my mouth close at the two deadly glares I got from the in the room and corrected myself quickly "I meant, don't be cheeky" I glared at my boyfriend and little sister when they chuckled at me, but that only made them laugh louder.
" Это хорошо, когда есть еще один человек, чтобы говорить на русском языке с" the voice of my brother-in-law made them stop laughing " Сара узнала довольно много в течение наших двенадцати лет вместе, но это все еще не то же самое, как беглый разговор" (It's nice to have another person to talk in Russian with) (Sarah has learned quite much during our twelve years together, but it's still not the same as a fluent conversation)
"я знаю, что Вы имеете ввиду" replied Spencer without missing a beat and with a polite smile "Spencer Reid" (I know what you mean)
"Alexy Kozlov, приятно, наконец, встретиться с вами" he smiled back, giving pretty boy a tight hug "This are my children" I had to swallow a sigh of relief when they turned back to English. I know zero Russian "Alexandra the oldest one, she is ten years old. Then the seven years old twins, Rosa and Dimitri". (Alexy Kozlov, a pleasure to meet you)
"It's nice to meet you all" my boyfriend told my nephew and nieces "Would you like some presents?".
"Yes!" exclaimed the three of them excitedly.
Pleased with his answer, Spencer opened one of his bags and took the presents out "These are Christmas presents from Derek and I, I hope you like them".
With that said he gave Alexandra the dress of the princess Elsa and the book of her story. Then he gifted the dress of the princess Ana and the movie Frozen to Rosa. And lastly he gave a homemade robot, which was more a professional than any of those you can buy in toy stores to Dimitri- after all it was made by my pretty genius.
The three of them looked at Spencer with so much wonder and glee that I almost started thinking that they thought of him as a God. Then all of them started jumping and screaming happily, before jumping on my boyfriend and knocking him down.
I laughed amused at the scene in front of me, not even bothering to answer pretty boy's calls for help. It was all very funny to make it stop so quickly. At the end Momma came to the rescue and helped Spencer up. Then she exiled all of us out of the kitchen until New Year's dinner was ready, with the excuse that all of her children were a disaster at cooking. But she let pretty boy and my brother in law help, one because Alexy was a professional cook and owns a Russian restaurant that was getting pretty famous lately. And two because she wants to taste the famous cooking of Spencer that I have been bragging about so much lately.

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