Bonus: Misunderstandings‏

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"Rossi calm down!" demanded an exasperated Hotch while I was trying to get him off me.
It had passed half a year since the Las Vegas case. When we've returned to Quantico we decided to come clean with our team and confessed our relationship to our dear friends. They were all surprised to say the least but then Emily said that they should have seen it coming and everyone calmed down after that. They all congratulated us and were happy for us, they even said that they would take our side if Strauss finds out.
However, Rossi assured us that that wouldn't be a problem. I knew that there was something behind that, but the last thing I needed was to find out that I might end up with Strauss as an in law.
Baby doll was a whole new issue. She was furious that I never told her and kept such a big secret form her. But she calmed down when I brought up the topic of Spencer and Rossi's blood test. She looked at the floor ashamed and apologized to both of us with her kitten eyes, I couldn't stay mad at her after that.
So in other words, everything was perfect. The team and Strauss knew, plus they supported us. With Spencer's help my property business expanded. Rossi and my boyfriend decided to bond over the months, pretty boy even called him father once. We all thought he would break down in tears that day. My relationship with Spencer couldn't be better... well, except of what happened yesterday.
Yesterday was our one year anniversary. The day had started so good. I woke up moaning and coming into Spencer's mouth, my favorite way of waking up. The first thing I saw was his amused smile and his beautiful eyes filled with lust, then his lips as he licked the rests of come from his lips. I wanted to pound into him fast and hard and then slow and carefully, but he had brought me my favorite breakfast, especially made by him, to bed. So we cuddled while we ate, however I got what I wanted when we reached the bathroom.
Later that day I had a big bouquet of his favorites flowers sent to work, with a card that had his favorite sonnet from Shakespeare, and a box with different kinds of chocolate to please his sweet tooth. The boys at the office didn't let me live it through for the whole day and the girls didn't stop giggling and commenting how cute we were. Luckily my adorable gesture, as the girls loved to call it, gained me some brownie points with my future father-in-law. Who told me I had done well, when he saw how happy Spencer was.
Luckily there was no case for us that day, so we didn't lose our dinner reservation. Just before we went to the restaurant we exchanged gifts. Everything seemed to go perfectly, we dined and then we went to a night club to have some fun dancing. He had gotten much better at it since we began dating, especially since I started giving him dance lessons. However, it all went to hell when Ethan came into the picture.
When I saw him I was annoyed that he had interrupted our celebration date but was happy as well, because Spencer has good friends that will take time from their schedules to visit him. However, you'll know my surprise when in reality he came here to get my boyfriend back. After pretty boy stopped me from jumping on him and breaking that stupid musician's face, he explained everything to me.
They had both started dating when they were fifteen and continued steady until they reached their twenty years, but Ethan didn't want to keep on being rejected. It seems like the musician had been asking Spencer to marry him since he was eighteen. But he always got the same answer: 'I am not ready yet'. He kept on trying until one day he finally gave up and packed his suitcases. Pretty boy packed his too and moved to D.C where he became a profiler while Ethan decided to fly to New Orleans to do his music.
Saying that I was angry would be an understatement, not even furious would have served to describe my rage. But what hurt the most was that Spencer never said anything about Ethan, that he had kept him in secret... no, what hurt the most was knowing that if pretty boy wasn't ready to marry a man he had been in a relationship with for five years, why would he say yes to me? With who he had only been dating for a sole year.
I was so angry and hurt that I didn't think when I marched towards the bar and ordered their strongest drink. I ignored Spencer shouts and flirted with the woman that came to me. I knew that it was wrong but I wanted him to suffer like I was, plus the alcohol wasn't letting me think straight. However, I immediately regretted it when I looked up and saw his tear stained face. I forgot all about my little revenge and followed him out when he ran away. I wasn't able to catch him before he got into a taxi.
I called him all night long but he never answered. I kept on trying until my eyes were so blurry with my tears that I couldn't see the screen of my phone. I didn't stop until my shaking hands couldn't hold on to the phone anymore. I cried that night, I cried my heart out as I fell asleep alone on our bed.
I should have known that he would end up at his father's place. Ever since he found out about his kindred with the older agent they both became very close, the whole family from both, Caroline and Rossi's side, adored Spencer on their first meeting. In other words the Rossi family is a tight kin, a very protective one at that.
"How could you do that? On your anniversary!" shouted a furious Rossi "I trusted you with my son, and what do you do?! Do you know what it feels like to have your only child knocking at your door at midnight crying because 'she is so beautiful and perfect, of course Derek would prefer someone like her rather than a freak like me'?!" his words were worst than that time that he said I wasn't worth Spencer, what's even worst... he was right "Answer me you piece of shit!" he demanded punching me on the face.
"Rossi stop!" insisted Hotch, finally being able to get him off me.
"Do you know what it feels to have the ex-fiance of my boyfriend, who he had kept a secret, come to get Spencer back the same day I was planning to propose?!" I snapped back at the older agent while I was cleaning the blood off my lip with the back of my hand.
The room got silent soon after my confession, and a lot of gasps were heard. But the only thing that really interested me was the small voice that asked "Really? Are you telling me the truth Der?"
I looked up to see pretty boy looking at me with wide open eyes, full of hope and love that made my heart ache. I've never felt so guilty before.
"Yes, I am" I answered, standing up slowly "But I also know that you are not ready and you must hate me for what happened yesterday, so I don't min..." I was cut off by his lips on mine "What... what was that?" I asked him confused, once we broke the kiss, but kept my arms around him, afraid that he would run away.
"Because I love you, I forgive you and I want to marry you!" he replied, making me the happiest man alive.
In my glee I spun him around the Bureau's office, ignoring the cheers and cat calls of the agents presents in favor of planting a deep long kiss on MY fiance's lips.
That was until Strauss slammed her door open and shouted: "What is this a party? Get back to work!... By the way, congratulations Agent Morgan and Doctor Reid" with that said she closed her door again, and we all laughed lowly at her awkward behavior.
Everyone started congratulating us and getting back to their jobs after that, well everyone but my future father in law who wore an exasperated expression on his face.
"Now I get what my parents went through... three times. Rossi's are really inexorable romantic " he commented with a sigh that then turned into a smile "Like I said before, hurt him again and no one will ever see your body again" this time he promised me rather than simply threatening me.
"Yes, sir yes" I replied, not being able to whip my smile off my face.
I was damn happy and nothing was going to depress me at all!

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