Tears of sadness and sorrow

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Two days have passed since we left Quantico, two days and nothing.
We know that Spencer's dad is involved somehow, it is clearly written in his body language, but he is also smart and knows his way through the law. We couldn't bring him in or threaten him with going against a federal investigation without proof, and as much as I hate to admit it we needed more than just my boyfriend's dreams/memories.
However, that wasn't the most hateful thing. What I loathed the most was how wreaked pretty boy looked when he found out that his dad was living only ten blocks away of their old home and never ever bothered to pass by and see if they were fine. Spencer locked himself in his room and didn't even let me or his cousin in.
I noticed that Rossi also tried to get pretty boy to open the door. That was another thing that kept on bothering me a lot. Since our little 'chat' in his office I've been trying really hard to find out what the hell was wrong with him. Our 'talk' was more like an assault, he threatened me to leave Spencer alone and not use him as I do with all the other girls, that my boyfriend deserves better than me.
What the fuck does that mean?! I demanded angrily in my head. Yes, I used to be one of the worst womanizers. I admit I had my own fair share of women, but that's in the past now. Since I got together with pretty boy I've been loyal. My eyes never stray from his beautiful frame.
I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down and remember that no one in the team knew about us yet, so I wouldn't kick Rossi's ass. However, when I tried to act clueless of what he meant he told me that he noticed it. He noticed my lustful eyes staring hungrily at Spencer for a long time now. I knew then that I had to be more careful than before, or we will be caught.
Not that I cared much, if I had to choose between my job and pretty boy there is nothing to think about. My boyfriend wins without a doubt. But that doesn't mean I wanted to leave the F.B.I either.
"Agent Morgan why have I been called again?" the voice of my love's father brought me back from my thoughts "I thought I've been clear last time, if you have no proof you can't demand me to stay".
"What about this?!" exclaimed a very angry Rossi.
No, angry wouldn't be a word to describe what he looked like... furious, yes. He slammed a stack of papers against Mr. Reid, whose eyes popped open when he looked at them.
"David calm down!" demanded Hotch, sternly.
He had just gotten into the meeting room, the rest of the team falling behind him soon enough.
"Calm down! He kidnapped my son!" Rossi shouted, pointing accusatively at Mr. Reid. Everyone froze at his words, I didn't even know he had a son "You are hiding and helping whoever did this because they know, aren't you?" he continued, his tone colder than ice "They knew that you bought a child from the black market, my child! And now you are their little bitch."
"Rossi!" exclaimed Hotch angered at his insubordination.
Pretty boy let a strangled "What?!" he looked at the edge of breaking into tears.
"Spencer... I am so sorry" Mr. Reid said, and it was the most honest thing I've ever heard him say in this two last days.
Pretty boy rushed out of the room and I followed. I didn't care how it looked, my first priority is and will always be my boyfriend.
"Pretty boy!" I called out for him, catching him a few blocks away from the police station. He really could run when he wanted to "Hey" I cooed softly when I noticed his tears.
"Do you love me?" he asked me so low that I almost didn't catch it, I loathed Rossi and Mr. Reid at the moment for making my pretty boy sound so broken.
"Of course, I do!" I replied firmly, without missing a beat and wrapped my arms around him.
I let him hid his face against my neck, I knew that he needed reassurance. That he needed to know that his whole world hadn't been turned upside down. Spencer needed to know that not everything he ever believed on has been a lie.
"Come on, pretty boy. Let's go to the hotel I know you need some loving right now, I am sure that Hotch will understand".
I only got a small nod as an answer, but it was enough. I guided Spencer back to the station so we could take one of the vans the F.B.I rented for the team. I texted Hotch about my plan to cheer up Spencer... minus the sex part. I didn't have a death wish.
When I got a confirmation from my boss I sighed, I had a boyfriend to cheer up!

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