Leo 1.0

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You grunted as you tugged the heavy practice armour on. You weren't excited to spar with Clarisse, who was basically the baddest bitch of all freaking time.  Least to say, you were quite terrified to go one on one with her in sword fighting but you needed a challenge. You've easily beaten most of the seven, well, besides Percy of course. They're fighting styles were quick and elegant, but never before have you tried someone who fought like a bull. Till Charisse.

"(Y/n)! Let's get this over and done with," She puffed, cracking her neck and stepping onto the arena. You gulped and tried to shake your fear away. Your boyfriend, Leo, had warned you not to go against her because of her sour temper on not losing but you wanted to give it a shot. You could still remember the uneasiness in his chocolate brown eyes.  You swung your sword expertly and stepped forward to face her. Attempting a brave front, you shrug and challenge, "Bring it on, La Rue."

Both of you advanced and as expected, she was the first to strike. Swinging the blade down, you lifted your blade up to meet hers, and it shivered under her compelling strength. A crooked grin split her lips and she pressed down even harder. You backed away as fast as you could and she fell forward, following the momentum. Grabbing the opportunity, you slashed your sword at her cheek. Stunned, she looked up and you kicked her square in the chest, hoping she'd fall out of the arena, but you underestimated her bulky weight. All you did was make her royally pissed.

Letting loose a yell of indignation, she jumped to her feet and ran straight for you. You try to sidestep away but she was too fast, and with a yelp, the both of you crash onto the floor, her body crushing yours. You hadn't expected what was to come. Clarisse rained blows on you as if she meant to smash and obliterate you into the very earth, all the while incoherently screaming curses at you for shaming her. Pain seared through your entire being and you try to shield yourself from the oncoming blows, all the while screaming for Leo.

"Leo! Help me-" You shrieked but then Clarisse slammed her elbow into your gut. You coughed blood and notice her eyes took on a crimson red glow, pulsing with brown specks. Her Ares side was taking over her. You were so dead. She cackled and spat, "No one can save you, (y/l/n). Not even your puny boyfriend." You brace yourself for the finishing blow to your head when her armour caught on fire. "I beg to differ, La Rue."

You see Leo blast a jet of flames at her, slamming her into the wall. She slumped against the wall, groaning. He knelt in front of her, eyes and arms ablaze, and jabs his finger into her chest. "That'll teach you not to touch her. Ever again."

 He raced over to you, cradling your bruised frame in his arms, his cute little nose on fire. He smooths your hair and he constantly mumbles, "How dare she hurt my angelito (little angel) ?" You're somewhat touched to see his comedic side vanish to be completely replaced by his concern for you. You try to reassure that you're fine (which you're not) but all you matter is blood trickling out of the corner of your mouth. Leo carefully and gently lifts you up, carrying you bridal style in his arms.

"Come on. Let's get you to some tiny Apollos." You managed a weak grin before you buried your face into into his chest, where his t-shirts were singed in some parts. He smelled vaguely of bonfires and metal. You press your lips into his sooty cheek and murmur, "Thank you, Hot Stuff."

He laughs and kisses you back on your bloody forehead. "I prefer if you call me Leo McShizzle Bad Boy Supreme."


I really need to work on the fluff part and cut down on the un-fluff part. Is that even a word. I feel like it's not fluffy enough. cri everitim

ANYWAY, I hope you like dis one shot about Bad Boy Supreme and I have absolutely no idea who to do next. Not in that way. Ya'll know what I mean. SO please comment on who you'd like and I'll do one about him. THANKS FOR READING :D

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