Jason 1.0

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Grumbling, you picked up Jason's glasses which laid on his bed. Shoving it into the pocket of your jeans, you took off running, shouting his name through the chaos caused by certain monsters that were somehow invading the camp. Jason was one of the few who were preparing to fight them but he had forgotten his glasses and... You. He was suppose to pick you up and fly while you sliced at them with your sword but he could not find you and vice versa.

Finally, you found Jason stumbling around blindly, calling for you. You started to laugh at how idiotic he looked but stopped when you saw he was actually scared and worried. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and turned him towards you. Thankfully he didn't attack you with his sword but instead with a tiny kisses.

"Gods, (y/n)! You had me so worried! I thought they got to you!" He exclaimed exasperatedly. Handing him his glasses which he slid up his nose, you assured, "Don't worry, Grace. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." He nodded furiously as he glanced at the two celestial bronze blades dangling from your belt which were covered in the blood of monsters you had slain.

"Aaaah!" The both of you whipped around to see some anemoi tormenting the young helpless campers. Nodding in agreement, Jason held your arm and took off. Your feet left the ground and scanned the area. Slicing at a few demons, you were satisfied to see them burst into the gold dust you were familiar with.

After killing countless monsters, you were surprised that Jason's upper body strength allowed him to carry you for so long. The sun filtered through his golden hair and the veins in his arms bulged slightly, showing how muscular he was. You felt a little love struck, but hey, you two were already a pair. He was all yours.

That was all it took to distract you. Jason had tried to blow it away with his wind but he was too busy trying to save another group of young campers. The demon clawed at your face and you screamed in surprise. You frantically swung your sword in the air and successfully killed it but the wild movements made your hand slip out of Jason's.

Hurtling towards the ground, the camp whooshed past you and the wind screamed into your ear. But it didn't stop you from hearing Jason yelling your name. The ground looked closer threateningly every second and you closed your eyes, trying to prevent tears from slipping out. Then, everything stopped.

Daring to open your eyes, you found yourself locked into Jason's embrace and the both of you were hovering just above the ground. He had caught you. You sighed and the both of you hugged for a long time. His arms wrapped around you protectively and whenever a monster tried to interrupt your moment, Jason would fling it away with a twitch of his fingers and it slammed against a nearby tree, erupting into dust.

He would do this all the while murmuring into your ear, "I got you (y/n). I got you. And I'm never going to let you go."

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