Will 2.0

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You knocked vigorously on the Apollo cabin door waiting for your best friend, and crush, to come out. Banging one last time on the door, you yell, "Will Solace! Get out here or we'll be late!" The door opened, revealing the blue eyed and sunkissed boy.

"Holy Hera (y/n), calm down. I swear, you could've awoken the entire camp and forest." You cheekily grinned at him, shoving him the blankets. Lightly shoving him, you shriek, "Let's go!" You jump up and down excitedly and Will chuckled. Stargazing was one of your favourite things to do to pass time. Plus, getting to share the joy with your best friend, well that was a bonus.

"Race you to the hill, (y/l/n)!" He called back, sprinting off. You grin madly as you race after him. You mutter his name disappointedly as you single out a shortcut which he missed. In no time, you reached the peak of the hill. Next thing you knew, you saw Will lugging the things up towards you, panting like Mrs O'Leary. You smiled smugly at him and placed your hands on his hips.

"How's the feel of losing Will Solace?" Waving away your remark, he crashed and sprawled onto the grassy field. Chest heaving, he answered, "Incredibly tiring." Moonlight was caught in his blonde hair and his tanned skin was a tad bit rosy in the silvery glow of the stars. Your breath hitches in your throat and you felt a little dazed. Worst of all, you found your eyes trace to his extremely tonned biceps. You blushed crazily and awkwardly sat down on the blanket you laid.

Will crawled next to you and plopped himself down. You both laid on the ground as you watched the stars dance lazily across the sky. They filled every nook and cranny of the ink like sky, giving it an extra-terrestrial glow. You were busy being mesmerised by the stars when suddenly Will asked you a question. He seemed very nervous and fidgeted with the hem of his sleeve.  He stammered, "Um, (y/n)?"

"Yes Will?" He licked his lips and ran his fingers through his tousled hair. Quite suddenly, he spat a sentence as quick as gunfire.

"I'vebeenmeaningtoaskyouifyouarecurrentlycrushingonanyone." You stared at him blankly and raised your eyebrow.

"Poseidon's Underpants Will! Calm down and repeat that slowly. I can't understand what you said." He repeated it once more. You were stunned and contemplated if you ought to tell him about the crush you had developed on him when he sighed and looked down. You managed to catch what he said under his breath, "What was I thinking? Of course you don't like a D-List demigod like me."

You sat up abruptly and poured the emotions from your being into you words. "Will Freaking Solace. Don't you dare say that ever again. Oh what the heck! I'll still love you to Olympus and back even if you're a goddamned demon. " His hand covered your mouth and his face brightens so that it has its own sunny aura.

"Shut up!" His grin reached from ear to ear and pure laughter erupted from you. Gently removing his hand, you planted a kiss on his lips. His own lips melted into yours. The other of you pulled away, breathless.

"That's a better way to shut someone you love up." His smile enlarges even more until you think his face is going to split in half. He leans forward and you cup his face. "I love you Will Solace."

"I love you too (y/n)." Your lips collided as you enjoy your night below the stars.

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