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"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"That's classified." he chuckles.

"Alrighty then..." I laugh nervously.

"I came here today because I know your Cheetah." he says.

"I am not Cheetah!" I laugh. "I wish I looked that good in a pantsuit."

"Come on Y/n, you don't have to lie to me." he smirks.

"Ugh...I'm not cheetah!" I say.

"Okay then, I have to go." he winks and jumps out my window.

A few minutes pass and then I hear some people scream outside and I put my book down.

"Lilly! Paws Out!" I say.

Lilly goes into my bracelet and I transform.

I quickly jump out my window and I see Chat.

I jump back because I got scared and he looks me up and down.

"Why were you in that girls room?" He asked me smirking.

"She uh she needed help with something and I helped her." I say nervously.

"Uh huh-" he leans against the wall.

"Shouldn't we go save the day?" I ask him.

"Nope, I paid a girl to make her scream so Y/n could come down."

"Oh okay, I guess I'll go back to my room now." I say.

"Bye Y/n."

"Bye." I say.

Wait!!!! He called me y/n and I answered! Oh crap!

"So, you are her?"

"No-no I-I'm not...come with me somewhere private."

"Like a rooftop?"

"Sure I guess."

Chat grabs me by the waist and gets his stick. He extended it so we could get on the roof. We both sit down and I look at him.

Well, technically I didn't tell Chat Noir he found out. Is that breaking the rule? I tried to deny it but he still figured it out.
I look at Chat and I sigh.

"I won't tell anyone your secret, Cats Honor." He puts his hand up and one over his chest.

His ring beeps and he gets up.

"Looks like its time for me to go."

I grab his hand.

"Wait" I look in his eyes.

I pull him into a hug and his ring beeps again.

"I have to go." he sighs.

I nod my head.

"I want to know who you are."

"You can't..." He replies.

I roll my eyes. I do something that will make him stay.

I pull him into a long kiss and I close my eyes.

He kisses me back!

I pull away because I know he is back to his normal self.

I open my eyes to see Adrien.

"Oh my god! Adrien! I-I just kissed my crush!" I quickly cover my mouth. "Wait! I don't mean that- your not that cute- I mean- your hot but I um- yeah....- I like you?"

"Let me make sure my guess is correct."
Adrien smiles blushing a bit.

I just nod my head.

I de-transform and look at the floor.

I give Lilly a few chocolate chips and she eats them quickly.

"Y/n! I can't believe you told Chat Noir who you are!" Lilly says. "What if he tells everyone?" Lilly freaks out.

"Lilly, he's behind us." I giggle.

She turns around and sees Adrien.

"Where? Behind this boy?" She asked.

"No" I laugh. "He is Chat Noir!"

"Adrien! I need my cheese!" Plagg says.

Adrien reaches in his bag and grabs some cheese handing it to Plagg.

"Woah." Lilly says looking at Plagg.

"I better get going.." I say.

I Transform to Cheetah and jump off of the building.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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