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I quickly make my way to Alya as Cheetah and then Cat Noir comes behind me. Alya has her camera on a stand and me and Chat sit on a bench.

Alya does her introduction to her show and then starts asking questions.

"Okay, first question. What made you guys become a superhero?" She asked.

"Well, we didn't really have a choice." Chat says.

"But we love saving you guys." I smile at the camera.

"Okay, next question. The fans wanna know who you really are."

"Oh, unless you want us to end up like Ladybug then we can't tell you." I say.

"Oh, okay. What do you do when you aren't a superhero?"

"Well I am just like any other teenage girl" I smiled. "And so is Chat over here- well he is a teenage boy" I giggle.

"What are your weaknesses?"

"She's my weakness." Chat says putting his arm around me purring.

I roll my eyes "My weakness- hm, I don't think I have one. The only thing I can think of is I'm not good at push-ups." I smiles.

"Are you dating?"

"We are for now." I say.

"What do you mean for now?" She asked me.

"We don't get to see each other that often so I don't think it's working out" I say.

After a bunch of other questions we finished the interview. We go home after detranforming. I walk to my room and take a shower Adrien does the same. Not in the same shower as me of course.

Once I get out I dry off put on deodorant and pjs then I sit on my bed doing things on my phone.

"Y/n!" My mom called me.

"Coming" I yelled back.

I quickly walk downstairs and I see my mom with Mr.Agreste standing in the living room with Adrien.

He is looking down and he looks like he's been crying.

"Yes mother." I say.

"Sit down." she says. I sit next to Adrien and my mom talks.

"Y/n, we saw the news today." she starts.

"We heard you say "I need my boyfriend Adrien!" Why did you say that?"

I look at Adrien and then I look down "I-I've been dating him." I say to her.

"How long?" His father asked.

"2 and a half years." I say.

"We were going to break up because you guys are getting married." Adrien says.

"You two are not allowed to see each other anymore." my mom says. "Y/n, you are going with your aunt Sally tomorrow morning!"

"But mom!" I yell.

"No buts, I'm sorry y/n."

"Mrs.L/n can I please have a say in this!" Adrien says.

"No, Adrien will live with me and his father and Y/n is going to Los Angeles" she says. "And that's final!"

"Fine, whatever." I get teary eyed and I run to my room.

I slam my door shut and I cry on the edge of my bed. I hear a quiet flutter of wings.

I feel something fly into my bracelet.

"Y/n I am Hawk Moth. You have been told what to do for long enough. Now you will be in charge and Adrien will stay with you. All you have to do is get me Chat Noirs,Cheetahs, and ladybugs Miraculouses." a voice inside my head says.

"Yes Hawk Moth" I smirked. I feel my whole outfit change and I feel more powerful.

Thank you guys so much for 3.06K reads! I love you all so much!!

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