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I go to sleep early the next day and then I get dressed after taking a shower of course and then I go to check the time.

"11:58" I say to myself.

I walk to my backyard and I see Adrien there.

"Hey." I smiled at him.

"Hello Y/n."

I look around and I see a table and candles around it.

"What's up with all of this?" I asked him.

"Just something I planned for us." he smiles.
"Oh nice." I smile again.

He pulls out my chair and I sit down thanking him.

He sits down and grabs my hand rubbing my knuckles.

"I hope your hungry."

"I'm starving." I giggle.

"Grea." he lets go of my hands and grabs a picnic basket.

He pulls out sandwiches and (favorite chips).

I smile at him as he takes out two juice boxes.

"Thank you Adrien." I say.

"No problem." We eat our food and then I see a ring.

"Oh my goodness." I gasp.

"Please tell me you aren't proposing to me!" I say, accidentally tossing the ring.

Adrien laughs at my reaction as he catches it in his hands.

"No, I'm not proposing."

"Oh." I laugh. "I mean if you were that would be weird cause we skipped a whole step, we aren't even dating yet." I say making Adrien blush.



"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"I-I, me?" I say.

"No the girl behind you." he laughs and places a hand behind his neck, rubbing it sheepishly, then he says. "Yes you silly."

"Of course.." I smile!

It's official I'm dating Adrien!
Sorry for not updating guys! I was busy getting ready for school and things.

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