Chapter 4

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Alex pushed away Maya's hand as it began making a slow trail on his chest and moved further down south. "Maya," With a sigh, he shifted away on the couch. "You told me there's something urgent you wanted to talk to me about?"

Maya huffed dejectedly. "It's dad, he wants to talk to you."

"About what?"

There was a slight pause as Maya chose her words carefully. "Business, and about us. He's read what they've written about us in the tabloids last week. "

Feeling frustration roll off of his shoulders, Alex dragged a hand down his face. "Maya—"

She cut in with an intake of long breath and stood up from the sofa, moving to stand between Alex's knees seductively.

"Why don't you ever spend a night with me, Alex?" she mumbled. "You did already take me that night, so why this distance now?"

Alex looked at Maya as the silk robe she had been wearing slid down her shoulder as she deliberately shook the piece of clothing off. Her naked body unashamedly displaying itself, bare and full breasts heaving in anticipation, she was undoubtedly every man's wet dream. But the sight made Alex cringe internally, in his mind once again the comparison of Maya's proud features and Kate's curvy heavens began. Disgruntled, he gritted his teeth.

"I was drunk that night, Maya," he said. "We agreed to stay just friends after that."

"Because you said you needed some time. I don't understand," Maya almost hissed in irritation. "Why the hell are you still pining for that cheating bit*h?"

"Would you just stop being absurd? I'm not pining for anyone." Alex looked away fixing his coat. And he was a big fat liar, his mind screamed. Because it was Kate he imagined that night he spent with Maya, it was her he called out in the heights of passion. And it was not like he had not tried moving on from his cheating wife; it was not like he didn't bloody hell attempt to find some physical distraction after Kate's true face was revealed. But so far he was failing miserably. Every time he tried to be intimate with Maya, it was just Kate he could ever think of, her he ever craved for and then he would back off. The idea of bedding Maya didn't sit well with him no matter how much she tried to convince him otherwise.

As a result, Maya and his venture stayed limited to that one drunk night only. Although Maya had expressed her wish to start a relationship with him, Alex had asked for some time. And now the media was after them, it was hot and happening—the breaking news of a leading supermodel and a business magnet having a so-called affair when the said business magnet's wife was currently missing from the picture.

Not that he cared about what people were talking about him. It just angered him to no extent that he was still letting the cheating, backstabber of a woman—that was his wife—control him.

"I'll talk to your dad after coming back from Asthel. You know I'm leaving tomorrow." Alex sprang up to his feet as Maya finally backed off a little. "I need to get going now, my flight is very early in the morning."

He walked down the living room towards the front doors, ready to leave her apartment. But Maya called him desperately from behind, however, she sounded a little calmer now. Alex looked back to see her wearing her silk robe again, thankfully.

"He's going over on a tour to Asthel as well, you know."

"Then tell him to call me when he reaches there, we'll have a meeting or something."

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