Chapter 12

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The meeting was short and awkward. Kate's nerves were on edge as she sat across the desk, catching too many times Alex pinning her with scowls. She guessed it was probably the expressionless face that was ticking him off. How could she forget how Alex hated not being able to know what she had been thinking? She knew him so well like that.

Kate also noticed his unkempt hair, a week's stubble shadowing his face, dark circles underneath his eyes, and lines marring his forehead. But shouldn't he be on cloud nine now that he had moved on with his gorgeous old fling?

However, it shouldn't matter to her.

Kate sighed internally and halted her internal queries right there.

In the most professional manner, they cleared issues regarding their next orders.

Kate gathered the files she came in with, grabbing her bag from where it was next to her chair on the floor. Kate was about to stand up and leave. It was silence until then. All the while, she was aware of his eyes scorching her skin, but she refused to look.

That was when he asked it out of the blue, ripping off all the layers of disregard. "Where is it?"

Her eyes snapped up to meet his curious ones, his stare mocking.

"The baby, I mean," he clarified, waving a hand in the air.

Why did he have to hurt her so?

A soft sigh left her mouth as she moved her eyes from him, and not answering, she moved towards the door. She needed to get out of there before she broke down. She couldn't afford to come off as so weak before Alex, out of all people.

"I asked you something," came his irritated voice.

She heard shuffling behind her and knew he had also stood up, stepping around the desk towards her.

Tears, a flood of them, burned at the back of her eyes. She pushed them back with fury. Her head throbbed in the process.

"I'm not obliged to give you an answer," she said as nonchalantly as possible.

Alex clucked his tongue as he came to stand closer to her. She didn't turn around still. She knew she needed to get the hell out of there right that instant, but her feet were as if made of lead. Her soul screamed, knowing Alex was asking for the baby that was no more.

"I guess it's premature then. Nine months are yet to end. The daddy, Neil, had been in contact, is he? I saw him here in Asthel as well," Alex now stood right behind her, his voice turning increasingly predatory. "By the way, is he sharing you willingly with Victor? Or are you cheating on that poor fellow too? Or maybe you've grown tired of him, and Victor is your new toy. I heard you've been living in Victor's apartment for some time. That good in bed, is he?"

Red-hot rage crossed her mind. She whirled around, and before she knew it, a resounding slap was placed on his face. His face snapped to the side with the force of her palm connecting his cheek.

Her shaking hand fell to her side. She panted, and the vision before her blurred for a second. But this was not the time to fall weak, so she blinked the blurry patterns away. The next second she found herself pushed up the door, Alex's angered breaths fanning her face, his hands gripping her upper arms way too rigidly.

"How dare you!" he bellowed, hissing.

Kate winced as his grip tightened. "I should have done it long ago, " her response. It was the truth that she voiced. In fact, she wished far worse to do to this man. But will it wipe away everything she's been through?

She watched as his lips pressed into an impossibly thin line, his brows furrowing in the darkest scowl. "You have the guts to talk back so shamelessly after cheating on me the way you did! Under my very nose! What kind of brazen whore you are?"

A moment of silence passed before Kate laughed, she laughed, and it sounded more devastating than weeping to her own ears. Alex's grip on her arms was bruising by that point, but she didn't complain. It was nothing compared to the pain that had burnt her insides like the most destructive forest fire.

"But aren't you cheating on me as well?" she said, the taste of laughter in her throat, the moistness of tears in her eyes. "You're forgetting, Alex, that you're still married to me."

His face paled, his body slackened a bit, and as his hold on her loosened - Kate slid out of his arms.

Kate never knew it was possible to love someone so much, to hate someone so much... and all of it for one single person. The strongest of all her emotions had to always revolve around this man. And she was powerless to do anything about it. It was as though attempting to cease a planet from spinning.

Her entire form shaking, she picked up her files and bag that had fallen on the floor earlier. Not wasting one more second, she barged out of Alex's office and straight out of the building.

She needed to go home. Now.

Ellie was probably still in the washroom with her upset stomach, but Kate had crossed her breaking point. Hailing a taxi, Kate got in and sent Ellie a text, letting her know that she had left. The blurs before her eyes kept returning like recurring nightmares, and her skull ached, matching her heart's searing ache. A metallic taste sprouted at the back of her throat, and she choked on it.

The bitter taste sickly felt sweet.


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Lots of love,

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