Chapter Five: Interesting Meeting

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Arriving at the address that he had been given, Sergio checked the piece of paper that he had wondering if he had the right place; he didn't know why he had been invited here but he had a feeling that it wasn't a good thing. 

The place was a royal residence that much Sergio knew and he had a feeling that this wasn't a meeting to tell him how wonderful his football had been this year. 

Pressing the doorbell, Sergio waited at the door feeling a little underdressed at the moment; he wanted nothing more than to turn around and walk away. 

The door opened and Sergio stared at the man that had answered, he had no idea what he was letting himself in for and he hoped that he wasn't going to regret coming here. 

"We have been expecting you, sir," the man said allowing Sergio to step inside, he shut the door behind him knowing that this meeting did not need any more attention than needed. 

No one knew why Camille had invited the footballer to the residence that her family held in the Spanish capital; they would be kept in the dark and they doubted that would change. 

Sergio nodded his head, he was a little worried about what was going on and he hoped that he wasn't going to regret coming here completely. 

The man led him upstairs to the drawing room where the meeting would take place, he paused outside of the door and knocked before he opened the door to reveal Camille waiting for them. 

"Presenting Her Serene Highness, Princess Camille of Monaco," the man introduced offering a small bow to Camille, who looked up nervously at the footballer that was stood in the room. 

She had no idea how he was going to react and she hoped that he wasn't going to run away when she told him that she was going to have his baby.

Sergio stared at Camille wondering why she had invited him here, they had nothing to discuss after their one night stand and he feared what was going to happen; he had a tournament to focus on with Spain. 

He was meant to be traveling to France that evening to compete in the Euros and he didn't need any distractions; Sergio regretted the night that he had spent with Camille completely. 

"It's nice to see you again Sergio," Camille said once they were alone, she didn't want to have this conversation in front of anyone and she hoped that he would react well to the news. 

Sergio eyed Camille warily, he had no idea what she wanted and he slowly moved to sit down across from her; he had no idea what it was that she could wish to speak to him about. 

The two were silent and they had no idea where to begin, this wasn't a meeting between friends and they both knew that this wasn't going to be a pleasant chat. 

"What is it you want Camille?" Sergio asked tiredly, he didn't want to be here and he should have known that it would be her that had sent the invite. 

The last thing that he wanted was to give her hope of something that wasn't going to happen; Sergio was happy with the life that he had with Pilar and their two children. 

"I have a girlfriend and two sons..." Sergio stared not wanting to cause any trouble, he eyed Camille as she flinched at the mention of his family; a reminder that what they had done was wrong. 

People would be hurt if they ever found out that Camille and Sergio had slept together and it wasn't something that was going to be forgotten anytime soon. 

"I know... but I thought you should know," Camille mumbled praying that she was making the right decision, she was frightened about what he might say when she told him.

Sergio raised an eyebrow at Camille, wondering what she wanted to tell him and he started to feel sick at the idea about where she was going to go with this; his mind started to create pictures of what she was going to tell him. 

"I'm pregnant," Camille revealed softly, she looked down at her hands and she hoped that he wasn't going to freak out; she couldn't bring herself to look at him while her words sunk in.

The room was completely silent after Camille had spoken, the news sinking in as Sergio stared at her; he felt ill at the idea that they were going to have a baby together. 

"And it's mine?" Sergio asked stupidly, it was the only reason that Camille would be sharing this news with him and he couldn't believe that this was happening. 

Pilar was going to kill him when he told her that he had gotten his one-night stand pregnant; he wanted nothing more than to do the right thing for everyone. 

"There has been no one else," Camille confirmed peeking at him, he could easily turn her away but at least he now knew that they were going to have a baby. 

She had done the right thing and Camille was going to handle the consequences of her actions, she wasn't sure if that would be something that she was to have to do alone. 

Sergio didn't want to say a word, his mind reeling from everything that had happened; he had another child on the way and he knew that he couldn't just walk away from them no matter who their mother was. 

It was going to cause a lot of problems and Sergio wasn't sure how he would break the news to his family; he feared how everyone would react to the news that he was going to have a baby with his one-night stand. 

"I need some time to think," Sergio whispered knowing that he wasn't going to be able to hide this away, Pilar and his family would have to be told that he was going to have a baby with Camille.


Stepping into his home, Sergio firmly shut the door behind him and rested against it for a moment; fear consumed him knowing that there was no avoiding the future that was about to happen now. 

Pilar poked her head around the door and smiled at the sight of her boyfriend, they didn't have much time together before he travelled to France and she wanted to make the most of it. 

"How was your meeting?" Pilar asked holding Marco close, she cuddled him knowing that he was going to miss his daddy when he went away and she hoped that he would be home soon. 

They had a holiday planned for the three of them and Pilar was looking forward to it, things had been tense for them and Pilar wanted to put that behind them. 

She couldn't help but feel like her relationship was slipping away, that their differences were starting to pull them apart and that was the last thing that Pilar wanted when they had two children together. 

"I need to sit down and talk to you," Sergio mumbled softly, she wasn't going to like this and this was all his fault; he should have never slept with Camille when he had been angry with Pilar. 

A look flashed across Pilar's face and she nodded her head, she could see from the look on his face that this wasn't going to be a pleasant chat. 

Sergio ran his fingers through his hair, he needed to tell her before he made any decision about what he was going to do; he wanted nothing more than to make this easy for them both. 

Moving into the living room, Sergio looked at his eldest son; he was going to ruin everything and he would never forgive himself for this. 

Pilar took a deep breath and sat down, her mind racing with what might have happened at his meeting that had led to this moment; she wanted nothing more than to be prepared for what came next.

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