Chapter Thirty-Seven: No Doubt About It

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Staring up at the house that he had once shared with his ex-girlfriend, Sergio wasn't quite sure what to make of the fact that he had come here to see Pilar; he had hoped that he could avoid her for a little longer. 

It had been two weeks since his talk with Camille and things had been a little strange since she'd forced him to take a step back; he understood why but that didn't mean that he liked it. 

Camille had done her best to make sure that he didn't miss spending time with Isabel; she had made things as simple as possible for the two of them. 

Shaking his head, Sergio moved to knock on the front door and waited for Pilar to answer; he knew what he had come here to do and he was sure that Pilar wasn't going to make this easy. 

"Sergio. I wasn't expecting you," Pilar greeted with a massive smile when she opened the door, she had been setting Marco down for a nap when he had knocked. 

She stepped aside to allow him into the house and she wished that he would have let her now that he was coming so she could have been a little more prepared for him. 

Sergio stepped into the home, he felt a little nervous about the fact that he was doing this; he honestly had hoped that she was going to understand why he was making this decision. 

"Can I get you anything?" Pilar asked, she was thrilled that he had come to her and she couldn't help but feel hopeful that he was going to pick her over Camille. 

She had known that putting herself out there would be risky but if it changed Sergio's mind and got her a second chance then she was going to give it a shoot before it was too late. 

"I won't be staying long," Sergio said with a shake of his head, he had no intentions of sticking around when she was going to be upset about what he had to say.

Pilar looked at him confused, she moved to sit down on the couch while Sergio did the same and she waited patiently for what he had to say; she stared at him wondering what was going on. 

"I have no interest in getting back together with you Pilar," Sergio stated firmly, he didn't want to leave any doubts about what he was doing and he was certain that this was the right thing. 

He had not forgotten how Pilar had reacted when it came to his first child with Camille and he very much doubted that she would be any different when his second came along. 

Pilar had gone out of her way to make things difficult for him with his daughter and he could only imagine what she would be like when his second child with Camille was born. 

"We weren't happy Pilar and we both know that, we did horrible things to one another... the best we ever did was have the boys and we need to be better for them," Sergio insisted knowing that above all else, his children came first to him. 

Junior, Marco and Isabel were everything to him and it would be the same when his next child was born; he wasn't going to pick sides when it came to his children nor would he forget any of them and leave them out. 

Pilar stared in silence as she realised what was happening, this was not what she had imagined when she had gone to him like she had. 

"You're still going to choose her," Pilar whispered in disgust, she couldn't believe this and she was furious that her plan to get Sergio back wasn't working out like she had hoped. 

Sergio nodded his head, he didn't feel like he had to explain himself anymore to anyone; he was certain about what he was doing and he wasn't going to let something good slip through his fingers again.


"What are you doing here?" Camille asked staring at Sergio surprised, she hadn't been expecting him tonight and she was a little confused about why he would have shown up out of the blue like this. 

She moved to the side to allow him into the house but Sergio didn't move, he stood in the rain and stared at Camille for a moment more than certain about what he was going to do. 

"Do you know when I realised that I loved you?" Sergio asked catching Camille even more off guard, he hadn't been sure what he wanted to say to her when he had arrived but now he knew. 

Camille opened and closed her mouth, she really wasn't sure how to reply to that and she stood silently staring at Sergio and the massive grin that he had on his face. 

"It was the day Isabel was born... you gave her my madre's name despite the fact that she hated you," Sergio said shaking his head, he had been confused by her move and he knew how much it had meant to his mother that Isabel had been named after her. 

There was much that he owed to Camille, he doubted that there was anyone in the world that would have done what she had; things hadn't started off easy between them. 

They'd had a one-night stand and it should have ended there even with Camille being pregnant; there were other ways that all of this could have played out and that sometimes scared him. 

"You were so kind that day, even though you had no reason to be... you could have raised Isabel alone and not even told me but that never crossed your mind," Sergio continued with a smile on his face. 

He was certain that this was all meant to be, he wouldn't trade the life that he had with Camille for anything in the world and he wanted her to know that. 

"I have no interest in getting back together with Pilar... not when I have you in my life, you're an amazing mother to our daughter," Sergio said beaming, he was excited for the birth of their next child even if it did mean that they might have to postpone their wedding for a little while longer than he would have liked.

Slowly getting down on his knees, Sergio looked up at Camille not caring that it was raining and he knew that he wasn't going to waste another moment thinking about what was going to happen with Pilar. 

He knew that he would have to deal with the fact that Pilar wasn't going to take no for an answer and he didn't care anymore; he was going to spend the rest of his life with Camille. 

"So, will you, Camille Sofia Grace Grimaldi, spend the rest of your life with me?" Sergio asked staring up at her with a smile; his jeans soaking up the water on the floor as he waited to hear her answer. 

Camille was completely speechless, she had no idea how to reply for a moment especially when she hadn't thought that he would make up his mind so quickly; she had thought that he might even choose to be with Pilar. 

But seeing him here on his knees at her front door, Camille couldn't help but feel like this was the moment that they would talk about for the rest of their lives. 

Not saying a word, Camille stepped out into the rain and pulled Sergio to his feet; she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down into a kiss, she was sure that things would work out between them. 

Returning the kiss eagerly, Sergio held Camille close as he thought about what the future would hold for them and their children. 

They could face whatever people threw at them together and Sergio knew that he would never forget the decision that he made to be with her; this was where he was meant to be and he had no doubts about that at all. 

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