Chapter Thirty: Back in Monaco

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"She's getting so big," Albert gushed lifting his grandchild up into his arms, he wished that Camille had stayed in Monaco so that he could spend more time with them but he understood why she had moved to Madrid.

Isabel had her father in her life and that was what mattered most to Albert, he adored the time that he spent with his children and he was sure that Sergio felt the same.

The royal engagement had been announced weeks ago, and everyone was talking about the surprise engagement; no one had really known what was happening between the pair before this had happened.

Camille had been nervous about the sudden interest from the media, she worried just how far they would go to get what they wanted this time.

Coming to Monaco had been a nice break away from Madrid and Camille was glad to be back home especially with everyone talking about her engagement to Sergio.

"How are things between you and Sergio?" Charlene asked watching Albert with their grandchild, she knew how much he adored his family and it wasn't easy for him to have Camille so far away.

They were happy to have her home and there was much to be sorted out for the wedding, the date might be two years away but there was still so much to be done.

"Things are good," Camille replied shrugging her shoulders, they hadn't heard from Paqui since they had told Sergio's parents about their engagement.

They were just relieved that José María had taken the news well and seemed happy for them; he was the only member of Sergio's family that seemed happy about any of this.

Charlene was aware of the problems that Camille faced with Sergio's mother and she wasn't surprised, the situation was a hard one and things did seem to be moving rather quickly.

However, Charlene was sure that Paqui would come around in time and she would have plenty of time to wrap her head around this; she had two years before the wedding would take place.

"When will Sergio be joining us?" Albert asked surprised that Sergio wasn't here with them now, there was much planning to do and the sooner that they got started the better.

They also had Isabel's christening coming up and Albert knew that people would be paying quite a bit of attention to the day; it was a big day for the royal family and Albert wanted the best for his granddaughter.

"Once he has things sorted out with Pilar," Camille said hoping that the court date would go well, it would finally stop Pilar messing around with the times that Sergio got to see his sons.

Junior and Marco were everything to their father and Sergio hated that he couldn't spend time with his sons or bring them to spend time with their sister.

His life was so devided right now and Sergio wanted to put an end to it, he didn't want to constantly worry about Pilar using his sons to punish him for what had happened.

Albert nodded his head, the way that Isabel had been conceived had been rather disappointing and he had expected better from Camille but she wasn't to know that he had a girlfriend.

There was no undoing the hurt that Pilar had felt at the news that not only had her boyfriend cheated on her and gotten the other woman pregnant.

It didn't matter that they weren't together anymore and that Pilar had been cheating herself; the break-up hadn't been an easy one and they were going to have to get used to being in each other's lives.

It would be at least seventeen years before both boys were all grown up and Camille was going to have to get used to the fact that Pilar was going to be around.


Sergio felt relief fill him as he stared down at the paperwork that confirmed that Pilar could no longer shut him out whenever she felt like; he was just glad that there was an agreement now in place.

Sergio got the boys mid-week and had them for at least three days without any interruptions from Pilar; he was just glad that they wouldn't have to wait any longer.

He also got the boys every other Christmas and three weeks during the summer when they started school; he shared joint custody with Pilar and he was just glad that they had sorted this out.

Quickly signing the paperwork required, Sergio knew that this would work out well for him and he hoped that this meant that the boys would be able to attend their sister's christening.

He moved the paperwork across the table and looked at Pilar who also moved to sign it, she looked a little disappointed that he hadn't been given visitations like she had wanted.

Xavier was waiting outside of the room with the boys and Sergio had been rather amused with the glare that the other man had given him; he was willing to ignore the other man right now.

If he was to make things work then he would tolerate Xavier's presence in his sons' life as long as Pilar would do the same for Camille; he wasn't going to allow her to ruin things with them now.

He was going to marry Camille in two years' time and Sergio was looking forward to that moment; things were going well for them so far and he adored the time that he got to spend with her and Isabel.

His little girl was five months old already and he had never thought that this was how his life would have worked out when he had gotten Camille pregnant; he doubted that he would have been happy if he had stayed with Pilar.

Things had been falling apart for them for a long time even before Marco had been born and Sergio did regret how things had ended for them wishing they had parted on better terms than they had done.

Once they were finished, the two of them left the room with Pilar hurrying ahead of him so that she could reach Xavier; she didn't look happy and Sergio was sure that they had hoped that things would go more there way.

His career didn't allow him much time on the weekends but he was determined to be a good father to all his children; he was looking forward to spending more time with his sons.

Xavier looked up at his partner and frowned when he saw the look on her face, he guessed that things hadn't gone as he had hoped and he wasn't happy about this.

He had hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with Sergio for a moment longer and he hated that the other man was such a massive part of Pilar's life.

"Papa," Junior squealed hurrying away from his mother's boyfriend and rushing over to Sergio, he hadn't seen him in months and he had missed him so much.

Marco toddled after his older brother just as Sergio dropped down to give his sons a hug, he held them close ignoring the glare that came from Xavier; he didn't care what the other man had to say.

"We missed you," Junior murmured looking up at his father and wondering why he hadn't been to see them; he had asked his mother often but she had never been able to give him an answer.

Sergio smiled down at him, he wasn't going to allow Pilar to keep him away again; they had a court mandated schedule now and nothing would take that away.

Pilar closed her eyes, there was no changing this now and she hoped that this wasn't going to cause problems for her and Xavier; it wasn't a secret that he didn't like Sergio being around.

She wanted her own happy ending and she was even more upset that Sergio had gotten engaged first.

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