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(for added emotion and an elevated literary journey, play the youtube video when you get to the ∆) (or whenever you want)

"Can I just say... What the fuck?!" Peter said, breaking the silence.

"Peter!" Hank said and Charles rubbed his forehead, giving him a look.

"You died! You were under all that plane shit, man! Are you Jesus?!"

Warren opened his mouth to say something, unsure of his words. He eyed Charles, who spoke for him.

"Peter, we all know what happened. No need to recount it. This is a new beginning for Warren, as it was for all of you. I hope you remember that."

Warren looked around the room, his eyes landing on Florence. He realized he didn't recognize her from the events, and felt a tinge of relief.

"Velcome, Varren. I'm very sorry about vhat I did to you in zhe cage." Kurt stood up, hugging Warren. He froze at the initial contact, but slowly wrapped his arms around the blue boy.

"It's okay, You had to fight," He whispered.

Everyone watched the moment, wondering how Kurt could be so kind hearted. Jean felt everyone's heart melting simultaneously, including Warren's.

"So, Jubilee, as you're usually the one to do it, would you show Warren around?"

"Of course-"

"Where is my daughter?!"

Everyone's head turned to the door, a distant loud voice interrupting Jubilee. Florence's eyebrows knitted together in puzzlement.

"Elizabeth, wait!"

Florence froze, her face slackening in realization, her hand twitching next to Scott's. He turned to look at her, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Clacking of heels were heard in the hallway outside.

"WHERE is my daughter?!"

Florence's heart began to pound, Jean noticing the rise in emotions. Scott grabbed her hand lightly in comfort. "What's wrong?" he whispered.

No one had caught on. That is, until the next scream.


A lean blonde woman in a tan trench coat and red lipstick burst into the parlor, her eyes landing on the girl who looked the polar opposite. Florence's eyes went completely wide, her breath stopping. Immediately, the plants in the room began to grow, crawling onto the ceiling. Everyone looked from the woman to Florence to the rapid plant growth. Behind her, a man in a suit and glasses rushed in.


Florence's jaw clenched, breath heavy, a death grip on Scott's hand. He looked from her to the two adults at the entrance, everything clicking together. Erik and Charles immediately cautious and alert, unable to form words.

"Florence, why-" The woman began, walking towards her.

The man reached over and grabbed the woman's shoulder, pulling her back. Florence stood quickly, her hands shaking in anger. She lifted a hand slowly, her trembling finger pointing at the woman.

"How dare... you." Florence said quietly, no one ever having heard the amount of silent rage in her voice. No one was able to speak, only being able to watch the events unfold in front of them.

"Florence, come home, please! Your father and I have been worried sick!"

Florence tilted her head in outrage, her face livid with anger. Everyone turned to her, the room completely silent.

Thorn • Scott SummersWhere stories live. Discover now