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You trust him? Mitalonys asks.

Of course not but I'm not going to refuse. I'm not stupid, I mutter.

He looks surprised at my compliance but then shakes it off. "What's your dragon's name?" He asks.

I make a face. "Seriously?"

"I'm starting simple," he shrugs.

"His name is Mitalonys, but when I shift he prefers being called Talon," I say.

"When did you shift into your dragon for the first time?"

"When I was 14, but Mitalonys has always been around."

"Really?" He asks in surprise.

"Yeah, we shift early in our lives so we have more time to learn control, why?"

"Well we shift into our wolves at 16, and that's also when we are able to start speaking to our wolves," he tells me.

"That must be why you live in packs," I mutter thoughtfully.


"Well you must be very lonely to not be able to speak to your wolf until 16, so you need to live in packs to keep you company," I shrug and he frowns, deep creases forming in his forehead.

"Anything else you want to know?" I ask, letting out a sigh as I lean against the wall.

"How old are you?"

"27," I tell him.

"Seriously? You look like you're like 16."

"Well thanks, I guess. Anything else?"

"I think that's it for now. My room is right across the hall so let the guards know if you need anything," he sighs and waits for my nod before walking into the hall.

I pull myself up off the floor, holding onto the counter for support. I walk into the room and change into one of my new sports bras and a pair of comfy shorts. I slip under the silk sheets of my bed with a sigh. I feel instantly tired and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


"Zari, are you ready?" my father asks me and I nod.

"Yeah," I tell him.

"Okay, try to put a circle around me."

I take a deep breath and look where he is standing a dozen feet away.

"And please don't set my pants on fire again," he pleads quickly and I laugh.

"I'll try not to," I chuckle. I return my focus to the ground.

'Imagine the ground burning in a circle around him', Mitalonys instructs me. I do as he says and just as my hand twitches, flames erupt from the grass around him.

My father grins at the circle of fire that surrounds him. I laugh and a triumphant grin forms on my lips.

"Good job Lyzaria, you didn't set me on fire, now let's see if you can make it go down," he says and my face falls.

I move my hands in a downward motion but nothing happens to the flames. I close my eyes and imagine the flames going down but they are still burning bright when I open them again.

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