1. New brother, Fan girls, school

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I was in the car on the way to my new home. My birth parents got arrested for twenty years yesturday, I know my new mommy will be nice to me. They would get paid when strangers did bad things to me, I didn't like it but couldn't do anything as I was tied up or pinned down. ''We're here little man'', the driver said smiling at me. 

I looked out the window to see a tall woman waiting by the front door looking scared but excited at the same time. I opened the car door and shyly hid behind the driver who carried my bags to the front door. He ruffled my hair before quickly driving off. ''Are you my new mommy?'', I asked looking up at her with my big blue eyes. 

''Yes, would you like to come inside?'', she asked kindly and I nodded holding her hand. She seemed confused but brushed it off as we walked in together. ''You have a big brother too'', she said smiling at my wide smile. ''Is he nice?'', I asked wearly. She nodded pulling my hand over to a row of chairs in the kitchen. 

I climbed up and sat on her lap worridly. ''Whats wrong?'', she asked stroking my back. ''Sorry, I'm shy'', I said playing with her fingers. She nodded seeming to remember something, the police told me she read my files. ''Josh!'', she shouted making me jump slightly. ''It's okay, he will like you'', she said as I watched a boy come and hover in the doorway. 

He was tall and had a few facial piercings. He looked at me then smiled nervously. ''Come give me a hug'', he held his arms open slighlty bending down. I looked at mom worriedly and she nodded patting my back. I stepped down and slowly walked over to my new brother. I walked into his arms and he wrapped his arms around me, no ones given me a nice hug before. ''My names Tyler'', I said stuttering in barely a whisper. ''I'm Josh'', he said pulling away from the hug and I scooted back over to the chair sitting on her lap. 

''We have an hour before it gets dark'', mom said hinting something to Josh. ''Can we go to the park?'', I asked like a little kid jumping up and down excitedly. ''yeah lets go'', he said walking out. I kissed moms cheek before running after him and out the front door. I followed behind him staring at his shoes while he walked. I saw the swings were free and took off running. I leaped into the chair and started swinging back and forth, Josh took the seat next to me. 

We made basic coversation and found out we have alot of things in common. He said he already knew why I was put in foster care, so thankgod it saved me from having to tell him myself why. We got back to the house and mom was waiting by the stairs. ''Come see your new room honey'', she said taking my hand. She lead me into Josh's room that we will now be sharing. Josh's side was all his stuff, his game stations, band posters and wardrobe. It was a huge room. My side had all my teddys on my bed, my one direction poster and an airplane hanging from the ceiling. 

I hugged mom tightly and she stroked my hair. ''Bedtime now boys, goodnight'', she said kissing my cheek and Josh cringed when she tried to do the same to him making me chuckle. Mom rolled her eyes and left closing the door behind her.

Josh started stripping so I closed my eyes until he cleared his throat. ''we both have dicks, no need to close your eyelids'', he said giggling and sitting on the end of his bed turning the tv on. ''sorry'', I mumbled and he nodded. I stripped down to my boxers growling when I coudln't get my top off my head. I kept tugging and I was losing my balance until two hands went around me pulling it off in one swift motion. ''Thankyou, I could have died'', I squealed hugging him softly. His crotch pressed into my hip made me hold in a deep blush. 

''Its okay baby bro'', he said ruffling my long hair making me smile slightly. I crawled under the blanket snuggling with all my huge teddy bears. I fell asleep instantly to the sound of Josh playing GTA.

Josh P.O.V

He's so adorable and it's irresistable. He's fast asleep hugging his teddies, I know hes going to get bullied at school tomorrow but I'm going to be there protecting him. ''another one mr girraffe, i like my tea sugary'', he mumbled in his sleep making me hold in a laugh. ''Four sugars unless the Rhino wants a sip'', he said again. I awd him and turned the lights off falling asleep to him talking about taking rabbits to the rainbow to see the wizard by the yellow brick road. 

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