I Ran

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I love this song and I felt like you guys deserved to have your ears blessed today. I know I haven't updated in awhile but I thought I'd give you guys a treat. I'm gonna do Saints POV lol.



A few days passed with no sign of Rogue. I stayed up late watching movie after movie hoping to hear the door open. After a few days I'd given up and my constant starring at the door stopped. When Rogue kissed me at the hospital I felt complete, like it was us against the world. But apparently the world didn't feel the same since I was left abandoned at the house after he promised to take care of me.

"Saint please come out",Penny pleaded with a small knock on my door. I said nothing and waited. Usually when I ignored her she left and busied herself with something downstairs.

"He went to find Luke",she whispered. Racing towards the door I flung it open,letting the door slam against the wall.

"What did you say",I hissed at her with wide eyes.

"The night he brought you home Luke showed up at our door step",Penny said looking me over a few times before continuing ,"My son dragged him down to the club and hasn't been back since".

I glanced down at myself,taking notes of what I was wearing. Penny had stepped into my room far enough to leave a gap for me to escape. Rogue couldn't risk his life for me! I wouldn't let him.

With a sharp intake of breath I shot through the small gap pushing Penny over in the process. I was in the street before I realized it but my feet didn't stop. I hadn't been to the clubhouse but from the way Rogue describes it, I sure as hell would be finding it.

The asphalt burned my feet the longer I ran. I debated on stopping but a flash of silver out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Several motorcycles stood lined up in front of a large building informed me of my destination. Heaving a sigh I slowed down and jumped on to the sidewalk as I got closer. No lights were on and I didn't hear any sound from the outside. With a little reluctance I forced myself to woman up and go inside.

The whole place was dark but from the light outside I could roughly make out the layout of the place. One long bar sat in the opposite side of the room and tables took up most of the rest, making the room seem smaller.

Walking further into the club I spotted a hallway with a dim light coming out. Silently I walked down the hall coming to stop at the last door. With shaky hands I twisted the knob and pushed the door open and was blinded by the light.

Quickly rubbing my eyes I adjusted to the light. With slow steps I made my way into the room.

"Saint", whispered a raspy voice making me freeze.


I know this chapter is sucky but I wanted to give you guys something because everyone keeps asking. Love you guys

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