Taken Back

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Two weeks I spent mopping around my old hotel room thinking about the last few weeks.Rogue's whole family took me in when I really needed a place to stay and they showed me love, which i hadn't felt in a long time. But lying to me for days about Luke?That was a line they shouldn't have crossed.

knock knock

"Are you still in there mopping like a stupid girl", called a voice from outside my door.I stopped pacing a starred at the dirty door contemplating on opening it.With a sigh i made my way to the door.The clerk from downstairs stood with a scowl gracing his face.

"Well are you going to stay in this room for much longer?Other guests are complaining about a smell ".

"Why do you care anyways! At least your making money while i'm here",I  growled back, which didn't seem to faze him much.

"I may no like you all that well but Rogue is a friend of mine and I've heard from the other guys whats going on",He confessed.

"So now everyone in the club is talking about me huh? Should've found another town from the start".

"Everyone here has tried to help your sorry ass while you keep whining like a little baby.Maybe if you'd stop feeling sorry for yourself and grow some balls then you'd see how much everyone care for you! So when you're done acting like a brat come find me downstairs ad you can help me do some laundry since you'll be here awhile", He confessed before turning and heading down the hall .

I stood still, to shocked to say anything.  Had I been complaining while everyone else took care of my problems? Rogue and everyone else helped pick me up when i first got here an not to mention gave me a place to stay when I was at my lowest.What was wrong with me?

"Stop being a pathetic little bitch",I whispered to myself,"You've been through so much just to break when someone helps you? Stay strong and stay proud".

After my little pep talk in front of the open door I made my way downstairs to find the clerk . He sat in the same chair just a different magazine this time bu surprisingly no beer.Not once did he glance up when I walked in the room so I stood there awkwardly.

"Are you ready to stop feeling sorry for yourself",He commented to which I only nodded.

With a wave he lead me behind the dusty counter into a back room .Two washers and dryer sat against a back wall groaning as they washed and dried clothes.The air was musty as if it had rained in the room recently making my stomach turn at the awful smell.

"The names Zack by the way",The clerk muttered before walking over to a folding table, pulling out clothes from the basket beside him and got to work.I watched for awhile as he folded the different sheets and covers in different ways before putting them in another basket off to the side.I picked up  similar sheet that Zack was working on and folded it .

We spent the next two hours folding and washing clothes as they were brought by the housekeepers. Zack wasn't so bad once he got used to me and it felt nice to just laugh with someone.I hadn't had genuine fun with another person since I lived at home.

"Do you want to go get som-",I was interrupted by the bell ringing at the front counter.

"I'll be right back",Zack said as he turned and headed for he door leaving me folding laundry and wondering what family had stumbled on this hotel like I had.

Sorry for the wait guys but I' updating tonight and tomorrow cause you've shown me nothing but love and support.Please comment and like so I know if you like it.I'll be a better author from now on! This bok might be over soon but i'll go back and edit the whole thing when I'm finished and might change a few things around so you might wanna go reread it when I do that. Thanks for reading and feel free to hare our thoughts!!!!!

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