Telling Niall

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You stood in your en-suite bathroom in your master suite. You had the small white pregnancy test in your hands as you looked at the two pink lines staring back at you.

Your lips curved into a smile. You were excited to become a mother. It was something you had wanted for a long time. And you couldn't wait to start a family with Niall. But you didn't know how he would react. You knew he had been thinking about kids, I mean he was definitely coming around to the idea of having a baby. But this was a lot sooner than either of you had planned.

And he was just getting ready to go back to work. The next six months were booked almost solid for him. That was 2/3 of your pregnancy. And everyone always said the first trimester is the hardest because of the morning sickness and other symptoms. So you will have to face the scariest part of your pregnancy without Niall by your side. He was doing the tour and then he was flying all over the world to do promo for the sixth album. You didn't know how that would affect your pregnancy. You didn't know if traveling and flying would be allowed while you were pregnant. And if it was okay, you didn't know how it would affect you. You had gone on tour with Niall before and you were always tired from jet lag and never getting enough sleep. You knew you would need plenty of rest and you would need to take care of yourself for the baby's sake. You wouldn't be able to function on three or four hours of sleep like you did the last time you went on tour with him.

There was a gentle knock on the door. You quickly put the test in the top drawer of the vanity and then opened the door.

"Y/n? Are you okay? You've been in there a while." Niall said as he looked at you worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm great, actually." You said as you smiled at him. And for the first time in quite a few days you weren't lying. You were great. You couldn't be any happier in that moment.

"Okay. I was worried you were throwing up again." He said.

"Oh no, I just had to pee." You said as you gave him a small smile.

"Well come say goodbye. Greg and Denise are getting ready to leave." He said.

You smiled and followed Niall down the hallway to the entryway where Greg and Denise were standing with Theo.

"Bye, Y/n. Have fun on tour. And keep my little bro in line for me." Greg said smiling as he gave you a warm hug.

"Thank you!" You said.

"Bye Y/n! It was so good to see you and spend some time with you!" Denise said as she stepped towards you to give you a hug.

"You too! It was great to see you again!" You said smiling at her.

"I hope you're feeling better." She said to you.

"I'm feeling much better. And I'm so excited." You said smiling at her. Her lips curved into a smile and she caught on to what you were saying.

"Excited about what?" Greg asked looking between you and Denise. Apparently he had caught on that there was a silent message being passed between the two of you.

"The tour, right babe?" Niall said, completely oblivious to the fact that your excitement had little to do with the tour.

"Yeah..the tour." You said smiling at Niall.

"Take care of yourself and take care of Niall, okay?" She said as she stepped towards you and gave you a warm hug.

"I will. Thanks, Denise."

"I'm here if you need anything, okay? You have my number. Don't hesitate to call any time." She said.

"Thank you. It means a lot. You guys take care too. And have a safe trip back to Ireland." You said.

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