Getting the Nursery Ready

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I got inspiration for the nursery in the story off the nursery featured in the picture attached. I was looking online at pictures of nurseries to get some inspiration for themes/ideas and I came across the link to this nursery and I fell in love with this nursery as soon as I saw it!! I think it's a very pretty way to do a neutral nursery for boy/girl twins. Anyway hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

You and Niall had a lot of what you were going to need for Aiden and Addison's arrival. However there was one big thing that you still needed to do: get the nursery ready. You and Niall had already painted the nursery a soft gray color with just a hint of green in it. You thought it was going to be the perfect color to go with the furniture and decorations you had picked out for the nursery.

Your parents had flown to the U.K. to spend the weekend with you. It was probably going to be the last time you saw them before the babies arrived. You were hoping that maybe you could take advantage of the extra hands around the house to help you and Niall fininsh the nursery.

You stood in the doorway of the nursery and leaned against the frame as you watched Niall struggle to put one of the cribs together. He looked at the instructions and then looked at all of the pieces of the crib that were scattered around him on the floor. He sighed and then scratched the back of his head.

"Having problems, Ni?" You asked.

He looked up at you with a look of complete defeat.

"This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be." He said.

"I'm headed to London to get my mom and dad from the airport, maybe my dad can help you put it together." You said.

"I want to do it myself though. I'm their dad, I'm supposed to be able to take care of them and I can't even put their cribs together." He said.

"Ni, that doesn't make you a bad dad. I'm sure my dad will be willing to help you." You said.

"But I don't want your dad to think I'm a bad husband or a bad dad." He said.

"Niall, he isn't going to think that you're a bad husband or dad. He had to ask for help a few times too." You said.

"Just let me try to get it together. I'll figure it out. How hard can it be to put one crib together?" He asked.

You said goodbye to Niall and gave him a kiss before heading into London to pick up your parents from Heathrow Airport. You arrived back at your house about an hour later and led them upstairs to the nursery.

You smiled as you saw that Niall was almost finished putting together the first crib.

"It looks good, son." Your dad said smiling at him.

"Thank you, sir." Niall said as he smiled over at your dad.

"How many times have I told you, it's Y/father/n, not sir or mister." Your dad said.

"Sorry, Y/father/n. Sort of a habit." Niall said.

"Why don't I give you a hand with that second crib?" Your dad said.

"That would be great." Niall said.

"Y/n, is there anything you need me to do?" Your mom asked.

"I have some baby clothes that I need to fold." You said.

"Here, why don't we go do that while the boys put together the crib?" She said.

"Okay, all the clothes are down the hall in the laundry room." You said.

You and your mom headed down the hallway to the laundry room where all of the baby clothes were.

"All of these are for the babies?" Your mom asked as she looked at the three full laundry baskets full of baby clothes.

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